Chapter Eleven

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Chapter 11


Here’s a new chapter to the story! Woo! I really liked writing this one. Hope you guys like it as much as I did. ^^ Enjoy! Song that inspired for me to write this chapter is on the side!! 


Sitting on the bench in the park with Yugi and Yami made me feel a lot better, since I explained to both of them why I am forced to marry Kaiba. I didn’t know if I wanted to tell them about Seto’s and I’s drunken kiss, so I kept my mouth shut. 

Yugi sat on my right side and Yami on my left.

By the time I was completely done, Yugi’s mouth was wide open in shock and Yami just looked concerned. 

“Yugi?” I asked as I placed a hand on his shoulder. “Are you alright?” 

It took him a moment to snap out of shock, he shook his head and looked up at me. “Wow. So if Kaiba doesn’t find a loophole as of today, you have to marry him?” 

I nodded. “Yes. That’s the plan.” 

Yami who was silent finally spoke. “Do you really want to go through with the marriage?” His purple orbs looked at me with a soften expression. 

Looking down at my lap, I bit my lip and shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know. I just don’t know what to think or to feel about it. I’m upset at my parents for leaving me with this problem, but then again I understand why they did it. It was for my safety and for their company. To keep it from falling into the wrong hands of some of our family members.” 

Yugi and Yami remained silent and only nodded, I could feel tears coming up from inside. They were threatening to spill from the corners of my eyes. 

Yami saw this and quickly handed me a handkerchief he must have kept in his coat pocket. 

“Thank you.” I began to wipe my eyes carefully so I couldn’t smudge my mascara. 

Yugi looked sad and placed his arms around me as we sat on the bench. Yami took my right hand and patted it, trying to make me feel better. I just sat there and sniffed. 

“It’s okay Mya. Things are going to be okay.” 

“No there not Yugi!” I cried and shook my head furiously. “I don’t want to marry Kaiba! He may make me feel different but I don’t want to-“ 

“Wait did you say he makes you feel different?” Yami asked raising an eyebrow. “Did I hear that correctly?” 

Yugi’s eyes went wide and I sucked in a breath, wishing that I didn’t say that out loud. 

“Mya…what do you mean by that?” Yami questioned. “Are these good feelings or bad?” 

“Ummmmm…” I grew nervous and scratched the back of my neck. “G-good.” 

Yugi and Yami exchanged glances, but Yami had now been really paying attention to my words. 

“You like him don’t you?” He asked with a smirk. 

“I-I….ummm. I….” My voice began to crack and shake; I really didn’t want to answer his question. 

“Yami!” Yugi turned to him. “Don’t give the poor girl a heart attack.” 

“I’m sorry. I was just wondering. I mean we have had our moments with Kaiba and well he isn’t all that bad. Just a bit stubborn is all.” 

Yugi nodded in agreement and then turned back in my direction. He had both of my hands in his own, motioning me to look up at him and Yami. 

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