Chapter Ten

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Chapter 10 



My head felt like it was swimming as I opened my eyes to the sunlight peering into my bedroom. It felt heavy and the light was making it pound hard through my ears. 

The blue satin blanket wrapped around me was soft and comfortable. But then I realized something. 

I was drunk last night. 

And I didn't have no clue what happened when Mya and I were drinking champagne in front of the T.V. downstairs in the living room.


A pair of warm pink lips appeared in my head for a second. 

I kissed her...! 

My heart jumped in fear and anticipation of what I realized from having this horrible hang over. 

I kissed Mya when I was drunk! And I almost did at the New Years Eve party. Oh more drinking for me. 

"Now what I going to do?" I asked outloud to myself and sighed. "Damn girl. I knew she was trouble for me. Why does she make me feel this way?" 

Propping my feet on the floor, I looked at the clock on the desk that was a feet away from my bed. It was 7 a.m. So I decided to get up and take a shower to clear my head. 


After I took my shower, I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes and hair looked perfectly fine, but my head was killing me, so I popped an couple of asprins to keep me sane for the time being. Today I was suppose to be meeting with Mya's late Uncle, Leo Kazuya. He was the owner of his own small company named "Kazuya Industries" but he decided to retire and gave his company to his son Yugo, Mya's only male cousin in the family. 

I got dressed in a blue coat, dark blue long sleeved shirt and pants, black shoes, and silver wrist braces. Grabbing my suitcase, I locked my bedroom door and walked down the hallway. I peeked in Mokuba's room and saw he was still asleep so I left him alone. 

I hesistated when I got to Mya's door, but I also took a look inside by opening the door as softly and quietly as I could. 

She was sound asleep, her brown hair fell softly on her shoulders, and her pink blanket wrapped all around her body. She seemed very peaceful in her sleep. 

Without making a sound, I walked inside her room and slipped a note I wrote out telling her to get to KaibaCorp as soon as she wakes up, on her nightstand. I noticed a bang was on her face, so I moved it gently to her right ear, keeping it away from her eyes. 

I have to admit she is beautiful. Her sea-foam eyes were hypontizing whenever I took a look at her. Her smile was genuine and sincere, and as for her voice, it was gentle and soft. But when she grew upset or angry, her voice sounded dangerous and ruthless. 

If I convince Leo to tell his son or him to run the Douglass company, with Mya's consent, then the will and contract of our arranged marriage will be broken. 

Hopefully this will work. I want her and myself to be given a choice of who we want to marry not have it forced upon us. 

Not like her parents...

All of a sudden, I heard a soft yawn come from Mya and I froze hoping she wouldn't catch me in her room. 

But she just turned over to her right side, facing the wall instead of me and continued to sleep. A smirk came across my face and I began to leave her room. I shut the door behind me quickly and softly and went downstairs and out the door. I decided to just take my own car today and drive myself to KaibaCorp. The car I owned was a black Mercades Benz and I barely drove it so why not today? 

Melting An Icy HeartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon