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Have you ever wondered what it felt like to lose someone. To love someone so much and then having to forget about it like it never happened. It isn't easy forgetting. Forgetting to love someone or to care about someone. It was tough, it was, but it got easier. Life is full of surprises, meaning you never know what is going to happen or how things are going to happen. My father once told me to always for everything expect the unexpected. Never expect things will be okay, and never expect that things are going to bad. I used to believe that my father was wrong , that things didn't just come unexpected . I guess I was wrong cause she came into my life unexpected. 4 years ago I could say I was doing alright, actually I was good. Then things just fell apart, out of no where. Like nothing ever happened. I could say I'm doing better if she wasn't there for me . She saved my life and I'm thankful for her. She understands me like no one else did and I will never forget her or what she did to make me a better person . This is the story of how I fell madly in love with Emma Marie Davis .

Authors Note :
Hey guys so this is my very first story. I really hope you guys enjoy and like it. If you have any questions or comments feel free to ask . I really hope this turns out to be great. Well, hope you guys enjoy. Try to stay positive in the comments though.
  ~ Mariana

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