That's the Wrong Sister (Steve Rogers x reader)

Start from the beginning

Pulling his phone from his pocket, Steve paused for a moment before making the call that could change your life from this day forward. He slowly dialed, considering his decision before entering the final number, but finally gave in and put the phone to his ear.

"Hey, Nat. I have a few questions to run by you. You got a minute?"


"She doesn't want to be found, Steve. I can't say that I blame her."

"Okay, but why didn't you tell me you that you have a sister? You're in the same city, and yeah it's a big city, but there's always a chance that we would run into her." Steve looked up at Natasha across the small café table with a small smirk, taking a drink of his coffee, "I thought she was you."

"She's good. Not as good as me, of course, but she has no problem holding her own."

"Can you bring her in?"

Natasha sat her cup down on the table with a loud thud and a shocked look on her face as she all but choked on her drink. "To the team?! Are you joking? Cap, I just said, she doesn't want to be found. I did say that in English, right?"

"Yeah, you did," he chuckled. "But all the same, I think it's the right thing to do." Steve quickly took the last swallow of his coffee and stood to leave, looking down at his teammate, "you in or out?"

"I'm out."


The overly enthusiastic and loud banging on your door startled you enough to drop your phone before you could send another reply back to your sister, who had tried to give you a little warning that he was trying to find you; you were surprised that the Captain had arrived so quickly. You stood to open the door, but had made a firm decision to not let him in.

"Well, I must say you sure didn't waste any time finding me. Did she tell you or are you just that resourceful?"

"I prefer to not divulge my methods," he said, looking down at you with a commanding presence that did anything but put you at ease. He was more intimidating than you would have imagined after what you had read about him and what Nat had told you. "May I?" He pushed his way through the door before you could reply, taking full advantage of your stunned silence.

"You know, that's rude to just force your way into someone's home. In fact, I think that's called trespassing, Captain Rogers. Not very law abiding for a walking flag."

Steve looked down at the clothes he was wearing, a pair of jeans and a simple button down shirt, and looked back at you with confusion. "I'm not even wearing the suit-"

"Can't escape it, sorry," you sighed, shutting the door once you decided that he wasn't about to leave any time soon. "You just ooze patriotism." You took a deep breath and turned to look at him, doing your best to hold your resolve and not take him up on the offer that you knew was coming. Doing your best to not fall prey to the man that Nat had warned you about only moments ago. The man that she knew was much too close to your type, and that you would find hard to say no to. "No thanks, Captain. I know what you are here to offer, and I don't want you to waste your time or energy."

"She told you."

"She's my sister. You think she wouldn't?"

Steve took a few steps closer with a slight sense of urgency and fear that he would lose any shot to convince you of his plan before you even gave him a chance. "Okay, but hear me out. You didn't break a sweat the other night; you didn't even look like you were engaged in it. It was too easy. You must have skills similar to hers, right?"

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