Chapter 27 Daniel

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Chapter 27 Daniel

When Jake called out to me I could already feel it. She was losing her life.

Fleur! Please hold on! I screamed in her head, trying to locate her. There was no response. Fleur please, please say something! I was in despair. Flower!


Please Flower, please hold on!

Hold on to what? I'm only taking a nap!

No you aren't!

I can't. I am so tired. I love you.

I broke down the second I felt the bond between me and her break. She was gone.

My wolf, who already was leading, took over all the control I still had of him. He was in as much pain as I was. I howled in agony.

I ran for the man who was -in my eyes, and in the eyes of my wolf- responsible for all that had happened the last two and a half months. I was furious at him. He took my Flower, forced her to fight against me and got her killed. Everything that would come on my way to destroy this man would be destroyed with him.

I killed at least eight of his men on my way over to Alpha Russell. It took me only ten minutes to reach him which probably was a record I did not care about.

Daniel I got your back.

I heard Ed's voice in my head but I was to furious to respond. Besides, I was absolutely sure I didn't need a second in this fight. The man was sixty years old, he had experience in fighting, but I had just lost my mate.

I went for a obvious kill which he dove away from easily. He lifted his head up as if he was searching for something or someone and I saw my chance. I aimed at his neck and gained speed. I could feel how my paws pushed against the dirt. I jumped and put my jaws around his neck. I slapped them shut and I could feel how his body loosened as I ripped his throat out. I saw him widen his eyes in surprise. He shifted back in his human form.

The Royal Blood pack stopped fighting immediately but I didn't care. I felt how all the life flooded out of me. My body shifted itself back as there was not enough energy left for my wolf.

The pain in my core was way worse than the time she had left me. I threw up but it did not relieve the pain. I puked again and again until I could only gag. I saw black spots everywhere.

I dragged myself across the battlefield to where Jake was standing. When he saw me coming, he ran out to me to help me. I think he thought I was injured.

When I saw her lifeless body lying on the ground I let myself drop to the ground. I felt how my dad, Jake and Ed sat down next to me. My dad took my hand and wrapped an arm around me as I cried and cried.

The pain in my core only became worse and I had difficulty not to pass out but I wouldn't. I wouldn't pass out; I was not leaving her alone.

Later, I was laying on the ground in my living room; the house that I thought would be ours. I had totally destroyed and trashed the place out of anger and despair. I could not shed another tear, I had totally emptied out. I looked around the room and saw a mirrored image of my life. I couldn't lead my pack like this. I had to change and leave this behind; I needed a new start without this.

 I came off the ground and started searching for pen, paper and a lighter.

When I had found them, I wrote down the following words:

No words can describe the pain of loss. I will always love you.

I left it on the table, walked out. And with setting the house on fire, I locked away my heart.


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