Chapter 8 Losing nerves

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Hi everyone!

This is kind of a filler chapter because Fleur is desperately in need of a friend she can talk to!

Thanks for all the reads, votes and fans! Please keep continuing to do so! I dedicated this chapter to Tumtummetje because she is one of my biggest fans! (:

This chapter is edited as well! Thanks again to my editor!

For now, love and blackliquorice <3!

ps. Photo on the side is how I picture Brittany!

Chapter Eight: Losing Nerves

I was nervous walking through the front door of the school. I wish I could have put it off for a couple more days, but Alpha Matt wanted me to get back to school, so he had registered me this morning. I knew nobody in this school, except Daniel, which still meant I knew nobody. I was on my own.

Alpha Matt had told me there were humans and werewolves in this school, so keeping a low profile would be nice. Losing my temper could be catastrophic. He hadn’t explained why, but I could guess.

I discovered that this other werewolf girl, Brittany, had almost the same classes I did. I dared to talk to her after third period, and she seemed really nice. She made me think of Emma. She had the same craziness in her eyes, which made sure I would have to survive a food fight in the next month or so. She invited to study with her after school at her place, and I gladly accepted. I was in need of a good friend; I missed Emma.

Putting my things in my locker, I felt the presence of someone behind my locker door, and I slammed it shut to see who was behind it.

“Hi, Ed!” I said, hoping I got his name right.

“Hi, rogue,” he said with a grin.

“You know, they told me that’s considered a bad name,” I replied, grinning. At that moment, I could tell we were gonna be friends.

“Fleur, better?”

“Yes,” I answered, grabbing the hand he held out.

“Fleur, I got a request for you: would you mind not pissing off Daniel any further? He’s giving everyone a hard time because of it.” His grin stayed on his face, but I knew he meant what he said.

“I’ll try, but, you know, he also pisses me off.”

“Yeah, but he’s the future Alpha, and I’m his future Beta, so you better start listening to us,” he laughed. “I gotta go to class. See you around!”

“See ya!” I waved as I walked to my own class. This Daniel guy has a real ego, oh my! I thought.

Studying with Brittany was fun. It took us only half an hour to finish our homework, and after that we just talked. Since I was new to all the werewolf stuff, she had a lot to tell me. The most shocking part to me was the mating thing. How could fate and destiny tell you who to be with? What happened to our evolved ‘women can choose whoever they want to marry’? Apparently, the wolves’ mating process hadn’t evolved yet. When turning eighteen, werewolves are able to find their mates. Good thing I was gonna be sixteen in about four weeks, so I wasn’t really upset.

“But Daniel is sleeping all over the place,” I said, “Isn’t he supposed to wait for his mate?”

“You live in a house with the best example walking around,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Sleeping with anyone isn’t prohibited,” she added, “but he is turning eighteen the weekend after, so he’s probably enjoying his last moments as a free man.”

I laughed. “Who says he’s gonna find his mate the day he turns eighteen?”

“It rarely happens,” she laughed.

“Does this mean I have a mate, too?” That question had bothered me since she had started the subject.

“Yes,” she answered, but she seemed a little uncomfortable. “Well, at least I think so. You’re a normal werewolf; you were just a little late letting her out.”

“You think that won’t affect my wolf finding her mate?”

“No, maybe your mate will find you first.” I thought about it and looked at the clock.

“Britt, I gotta go; I have to practice my shifting tonight with Claire.”

“Good luck!”

I knew she meant it. It had taken me ten minutes before I could shift back the first time and five minutes yesterday. I had difficulty controlling my wolf; she was strong, really strong, and I wondered if everyone had this much difficulty shifting. I decided to ask during training.

“Some wolves are stronger than others,” Claire replied. “You shouldn’t worry, Flower, you’re strong as well.”

I sighed. “How long do you think before I’ll be able to shift like you?”

“I think you’ll be fine in a week.” I sighed in defeat. A week? “Then we can do some anger control lessons. We don’t want you to shift in a full hallway during school because someone hid your books.” She smiled at me, and I laughed.

I got used to my new home pretty fast. I missed Emma, but that was all. There was just one other problem: I was shredding all my clothes because of the shifting, and even though I had some money, it wasn’t gonna last long. I counted what I had left and put it back in the drawer of my nightstand, next to my dad’s family ring.

I had to talk to the Alpha about the money issue, but I was nervous about it. You just can’t go around asking people for money. I sighed. I was in need, so I went to Alpha Matt’s office. I knocked on the door.

“Come in,” Alpha Matt said.

I opened the door and saw Alpha Matt sitting behind his desk. Daniel was standing next to him, looking at some blueprints. He didn’t pay any attention to me coming in, and Alpha Matt didn’t dismiss, so I just started.

“Alpha Matt, I-I had a minor problem, and I think I need your help.” He looked at me from behind his desk, a confused expression on his face. “I think I need money to buy clothes. Because…well, because I shred all of them to pieces during shift training.” I fidgeted with the bottom of my shirt, and Daniel sniggered, which, of course, ticked me off. I wished Alpha Matt had sent him out of his office. I gave him my death glare, but he was still studying the blueprints.

“My dear Flower, stop fidgeting!” Alpha Matt laughed and walked around his desk. He put his arm around my shoulder, shaking me a little. “Don’t worry. I forgot how new you are to all this, but every member of the pack gets paid. It’s like their work. It’s just that you don’t have parents who are on our payroll, but you live in my house, so I’ll get you some money. Brittany will take you to the mall tomorrow after school.”

I looked at him, confused. How would he about Brittany being my new friend?

He tapped his head with his finger. “An Alpha always knows what’s going on in his pack,” he said, answering my unspoken question.

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