Chapter 10 Losing equals safe

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Hi everyone!

Thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting! It encourages me a lot to write faster! I promise I will do my best to getthe next update out soon!

This chapter just got edited! And,

For now, love and blackliquorce<3!

Chapter Ten: Losing Equals Safe


Shit! I had to answer Brittany’s call. I turned around, breaking the stare; I had lost.

When she saw my angry face with my hair sticking out of its pony tail, she stopped walking.

“Right.” She looked from me to Daniel. I saw Daniel look at her, and I knew instantly he had sent her a mind-linked message. “Come on, Flower. Let’s get out of here,” she said, tugging on my arm, and when I didn’t respond, she dragged me into the girls’ bathroom.

“What the hell were you thinking?!” she exclaimed as I grabbed the sink with both hands. I was losing my stability, so I breathed in slowly, closing my eyes. “Do you want to get yourself killed?!” She sounded extremely upset. “Maybe a little story about the last rogues who crossed our territory will tell you how lucky you’ve been.”

I snapped my head up and locked eyes with her in the mirror.

“The last group of rogues got killed by Daniel for being rude to him, just like you were at the restaurant. He took out all four guys himself. The only reason he let you live was because you were a girl and all alone, which has never been seen. Now, you have the favor of Alpha Matt, but I won’t be surprised if he puts you Underground again!”

I looked at myself in the mirror. I saw my familiar brown curls around my face and fought the tears building up in my blue eyes. “I messed up, didn’t I?” I whispered.

She didn’t even try to hide it. “Big time!”

So, there I was, sitting on my bed, grounded. It could’ve been worse. I could be dead. Alpha Matt had called me in his office when I got out of detention; Daniel hadn’t been in school after our fight. Alpha Matt hadn’t screamed me; he hadn’t yelled at me; he just stood there, his back facing me. I wish he had yelled at me. I felt bad. He had turned around and looked at me for a few minutes. I didn’t dare face him; I kept looking at my feet.

“I don’t know what to do with you, Flower,” he said, his voice coated with disappointment, “if it was Daniel’s call, I think he would have you killed multiple times by now.”

I knew for sure he would have.

“He will be a harsh, but strong leader.” He paused for a minute. “Flower, you have a strong wolf, and I think you will be a great addition to our pack’s fighters when you start training, but you have to control yourself and learn the pack rules, otherwise I will have to kill you for what you have done.”

I snapped my head up, feeling the tears build up. I was aware that I looked desperate; I felt desperate, just like when I was sitting on the edge of the pool after Adam had beaten me.

“I’m so sorry, Alpha Matt. I know I messed up,” I said in a pleading voice. “Please, give me another chance.”

“I will, Flower, but you will be punished.” His brown eyes went cold as he said it. I et my head hang in defeat; I knew I deserved it. “You will be grounded for two weeks, and you will have extra anger management lessons and fighting practices. It will wear you out, and I want to get reports of you doing better than your best.” I could hear in his voice that he was going easy on me and that made me shiver.

“Yes, Alpha,” I said, obediently. I understood the rules of the pack perfectly after my talk with Brittany in the girls’ bathroom. I was not messing this up.

“And you will apologize to Daniel. You can choose whether or not to go to his birthday party tomorrow. Since he is the future Alpha, I will not include this in your grounding. You may leave.” He made a gesture with his hand, meaning I had to go to my room and stay there until someone called me out for practice.

I had been waiting all day Saturday for someone to come get me for practice. It stayed silent all day, and I only came out to eat lunch and dinner with Claire. She didn’t speak to me while eating, which hurt me a lot. After dinner, I took a long, hot shower while debating whether to go to Daniel’s birthday party or not.

I hadn’t seen, him, and I didn’t dare walk out to his room again to apologize. Images of last time flickered through my mind, and I knew it would end the same way if I went over. I had come to apologize and ended up threatening him. Yeah, bad move. Besides, I hadn’t even gotten him a present.

I stood in front of my half-full closet and went through my clothes. I had to decide now because I had to dress. Yes? No? Screw him, I’m not going.

I put my pajamas on and took out a new sheet of paper to write a letter to Emma. I sat behind my tiny desk, but nothing that I could actually write down came to me. All I really wanted to tell her, I wasn’t allowed to. Humans couldn’t know. I sat there, playing with my pen for almost an hour, not writing, when, suddenly, the door was thrown open.

“Flower, get your butt out of that chair; we have a party to attend!”

“Jeez, Britt! You scared the crap out of me!”

“Tell me you’re not wearing that,” she said in disgust, pointing at my pajamas.

“I’m not going anywhere,” I told her, putting the sheet of paper away. I went to sit on my bed and crossed my arms. She just looked at me in shock.

“You’re being childish,” she said. “I know Alpha Matt gave you permission to go. Actually, I think he gave you permission because he wanted you to go, so get dressed.” And, without hesitation, she opened my closet.

My mouth dropped open at the truthfulness of her words; I was being childish. She was getting on my nerves.

“You can wear that blue dress we bought at the mall,” she continued.

I stayed silent and watched her go through my closet. She held up the blue dress and some black heels, looking at me expectantly, waiting.

“Fine,” I snapped and took the dress and heels out of her hands. “But only because I can spend some quality time with you.”

She smiled a victorious smiled and sat down on my bed as she waited for me to get ready.

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