Dreaded Dare - 15

Start from the beginning

"W-Who is it?" I asked softly with a croaky voice from all my crying.

"Hunter is it okay if I come in?" he asked softly from the other side of the door.

"Y-Yeah go ahead" I replied under my covers and I heard him close the door shut with a click and heard his footsteps heading towards my bed. Before I knew it the duvet was peeled off of me and Hunter carefully slid in to my bed with shorts on and a top probably because he didn't want to make me uncomfortable by wearing no top. He then pulled me into a hug letting me cry into his hard chest.

"She's gone forever and I won't ever be able to get her back" I cried out into his arms.

"She loved you though, that's important and she wouldn't like you to be like this. Just try not to think too much into it, remember her and don't block out the pain but don't remember the sad memories, remember all the good memories. Remember holidays, when your parents got married and all the things that made your mum yours" Hunter told me and I nodded trying to do that and it made me feel a bit better.

"You're great at this stuff Hunter, dealing with people's problems I mean and I might not s-show it now but I am really grateful" I cried into him and I felt him shake his head as he slowly rocked me in his arms until gradually my eyelids got heavier and I fell asleep.


I woke up to no sound at all, just my croaky breathing but Hunter was no longer with me. I checked the time and it was dinner time precisely meaning that Hunter would be back in two hours.

I headed to the bathroom and showered shakily putting on some ripped skinny jeans and a white lacy crop top drying off my hair and putting it in a bun but today make up wasn't important, nothing was.

Once I looked a little less like crap I headed downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed a cereal bar before heading into the living room to see Colleen typing away at her computer probably working from home.

"Morning sweetie, I hope you're feeling a bit better this morning" Colleen told me smiling as I tried to smile back but my face wouldn't let me, all I could do was tremble because I just wanted to cry.

"I feel horrible but I guess the letter from my m-mum made me feel a little better. I don't feel like school because there's just too much going on and I won't be able to face the day because I feel like I am going to break down any minute. But I was wondering when Hunter gets back from school can I start clearing out the house?" I asked Colleen wanting to get rid of everything in the house, I couldn't bear living in it or seeing it when so much death radiated off it.

"Are you sure you want to clean out the house? Do you not want to heal a bit first?" Colleen asks me with concern laced in her tone but I shook my head. I'd rather do it now as the thought of the house makes me sick and visiting it would be horrible so I'd rather get it cleared out, then I won't have to go back there because if I went in a month or two all my healed scars would re-open.

"Yeah I'm sure, that's going to help on my road to recovery and I want to sell the house because if I go later on all the memories of her death will come flooding back" I told her and she nodded.

"Colleen, do you know a way I can get let out my anger and emotions without crying?" I asked her hoping she did know a better healing method because crying was draining my energy to a point where I felt fatigue.

"Believe it or not I do actually; I used to be a counsellor at a local secondary school. Try keeping a journal; I have a blank one in my room. Just write your emotions out and it should help get everything out." she told me smiling.

"Thank you" I told her smiling.

"Anything else you want to talk about Skye?" Colleen asked sympathetically.

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