chapter 8

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chapter 8

A/N HOLY CRAP I UPDATED FINALLY!!!!! its been like, a gajillion years since i  last updated and im sooo sorry!! wattpad kept deletingit and i kept re writing it gah! this chapter was a pain! its alittle boring and i'm sorry for that pleasr forgive me! well, now that im on holidays I CAN UPDATE HEAPS QUICKER! :D YESSSSSS okay, enjoy! :3 oh, and by the way, i havntproof read this chapter so, just ignore all the mistakes and stuff. okay enjoy! and i know its short okay!


On the verge of sanity chapter 8

I sprint as fast as I can down streets, open roads, allyways and crossings looking at every single street name. I was close to mc donalds on raven street so I knew I was only about a street away. My legs where killing me. I had already ran about 7 blocks but who cares. She better not be dead. I run and quickly avoid getting hit by a p platers car. He honks his horn at me but I ignore it. I make it to the end of the street and stop dead in my tracks. I see a trail of blood leading into a slightly illuminated allyway. this wasn't good. every bit of conscious in my body was telling me to not go and investigate but,the idiot I am, I went anyway. I walked slowly to the entrance of the allyway and stopped myself from yelling out 'hello' because only dumb bitches in horror moves do that and it doesn't have a pretty ending. I slid across the wall next to the entrance o the allyway and peeked my head around the corner. darkness. as far as the eye could see. even though there was a street lap right next to the allyway, all you could see was darkness, as if you where about to enter the gates of hell. I took my phone out of my pocket and turned the flashlight setting on. I still know this is a ridiculous idea but I need to check. the streets were quiet and empty so that makes me even more paranoid. okay millie, suck it up and go in. I shake my head to get rid of all the paranoia and take a step into the allyway. the whole thing smelt like death and decay. it really wasn't a good feeling. i slowly follow the trail of damp blood, anxiously turning my head at every noise i hear along the way. the smallish stench i could smell earlier outside of the allyway had grown into a fowl putrid rotted smell, like a..dead body. i wipe the sweat off my face with the back of my wrist and hold my breath as a i see a faint silluete of a person about 6 meters infront of me but the thing is, the person wasn't standing up. it was lying against the wall. every bit of my body was screaming at me to turn around and run back home but then there was a little bit of me that still wanted to check out the scene. why do i always let curiosity get the better of me? im a sucker for this sorta stuff. i sneak up to the body and shine my phone on the head. it was taya. her neck was slit, her mouth was sit and she has a large butcher knife still lodged into her chest. i fall back and start gaging. i drop my phone from the sight and start trying to bring myself to look at her mangled body. okay, okay, pull yourself together millie, go over and remove the knife with something and take it to the police for them to examine the finger prints then, jeff will be out of your hair forever. i stand up and walk over to her and kneel next to her body. i stare at the knife for a few seconds then...wait, i cant take the knife out without getting my finger prints all over it and if  i pick it up with my top then i could wipe jeffs finger prints off of it. but what if he was wearing gloves while he stabbed her and so he didn't leave finger prints.

NO, SHUT UP. i'm over thinking this waayy to much.

i take a deep breath, take off my over shirt and use it to take out the knife.


oh, fuck. police sirens. not. good. who even called them?! well, maybe they're not for around here 

i hear the cars screech to a halt just outside the allyway. this wasn't good. the flashing blue and red lights illuminate the allyway and i see two officers rush into it. shit! i look around trying to find a way out of here but, there is literaly no way out without the police seeing me. its one of those one way allyways where the other side is just a high brick wall. just my friggin luck.

"hey! you over there!  let go of your weapon and step away from the body now!" one of the officers says. shit shit shit i'm so screwed now! i look down at taya and realise i still had my hands wrapped around the knife which was still embedded in tayas body. well, this isn't going to go down well. shit.

before i could stand up and protest that i didn't kill her, i get pulled up by a police officer and slammed against the wall. he pins me to the wall and put handcuffs on me.  "wait! please, i didn't do this! she was my best friend i could never do this to someone!" i protest.

"you can talk as much as you can when we arrive at the station for questioning but for now, you have the right to remain silent." the police officer orders as he shoves me in the back of the vehicle and slams the door. i sink into the seat and exhale loudly. how could i get myself into this mess? its all jeffs fault. why cant i just go back to living a normal teenage life you know, fantasising about band members, movie stars and boys, play video games, hanging out with friends, spending time with.. family. now i can just wave all of that goodbye. i lean my head on the window and watch the officers outside. the 6 of them split up, 3 went to investigate the murder scene, one went around to every building checking if anyone knew what happened and the last two, including the one who arrested me, came back to the car. there was a really tall lanky looking one next to one who was small and chubby. quite a funny duo if you ask me. its like something you would see in a cartoon. the small chubby one was the one who arrested me. he looked sorta like the penguin and the other one sorta looked like inspector gadget.  they got inside the car and the tall one started driving off. i close my eyes and try to forget about everything. hopefully, they won't call my auntie. if they do i'm going to be in so much shit i would probably drown in it. i felt the car come to a halt and i opened my eyes; we were at the station. the tall one got me out the car and leaded me inside. the small one unlocked a door which lead to a small questioning room. all that was in there was a long rectangle table with a clipboard, notebook and pen on top, there was also  two seats on one side of the table and one chair on the opposite side. there was also a long mirror against the back wall which i'm sure was double sided and there was probbly a group of officers there watching us. they sat me down at the singular chair and they sat opposite me. they look at a folder, which i'm guessing was my character bio, and then closed it and put it on the floor.

"so, Millie, we are going to ask you a few questions about what happened tonight. you don't have to answer all the questions if you don't feel comfortable okay?"

i nod "okay"

 "well, lets get started, you protested earlier that you didn't kill that girl. is that correct?"

"and, you said she was a friend of yours?"

"yeah, we were really close. i loved her like a sister." i chocked

"if you loved her like a sister, why would you kill her?"

"i didn't" i say sternly. the officer slammed his hand on the table

"don't bullshit us! we saw you with the knife in your hands!" the officer yelled. i flinch and sink into my chair a little more.

"i swear i didn't do it. i had the knife in my hand because i was going to take it out, take it to the police and get jeff caught for good!"

"wait, jeff? who is jeff? is he an ex boyfriend, friend, enemy?"

"jeff. the killer."

"you mean, that stupid internet meme? the one that some of our officer ACTUALLY believe in?"

"he isn't just a meme. he has been stalking me ever since he stabbed me in the shoulder a few months ago. he didn't succeed in killing me so, now he is tormenting me." the officers fell quiet for a while.

"millie, have you had anything to drink tonight?"

"what?! no! i don't drink! im only 16 for christs sake." i yell. one of the officers phone goes off. he takes it out of his pocket and answers it.

"hm? yes. yes. really? oh, okay. yeah. tomorrow would be better then. okay. bye." the officer puts his phone back in his pocket. "well miss bird, we need to go back to the scene but you will have to stay here over night in our prison cells. we will continue this talk tomorrow." the officer explains. i sigh as they take me over to the cells. they shove me in an empty one then, lock the cell behind them. it was just your average dirty cell. all it had was a hard bed, a sink and a toilet. great. i sit on the concrete like bed and look out the small barred window. how could this night possibly get any worse? within seconds of thinking that, i hear a faint, all too familiar chuckling outside my window... 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2013 ⏰

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