chapter 7

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A/N FINALLY PUBLISHED!!! JESUS! sorry t too sooooo long had somuch *sighs* work to do :p well, is up and enjoy!! :D


I woke up once more to the sound of the heart rate monitor beeping. another wave of de ja vu hit me except this time I could see clearly and steph wasnt here with me instead, my auntie and that police officer where.. great. they turned there heads to look at me and the officer called a nurse on the pager. I tried to over hear their conversation;

"nurse Roberts, miss bird is awake in room B6... yes, yes, okay.i am surprised myself. she has been asleep or almost 3 weeks.  I know. okay. see you in a minute. okay, bye." wait.... did he just say I was asleep for 3 weeks?! he put the pager on the desk and walked over to me with my auntie following behind him.

"well, look whos awake! how are you feeling?" the police officer asked.

'I've uh, been better." I reply weakly.

"are you well enough to answer some of the police officers questions?" my auntie asks sharply.

"I just woke up from 3 weeks of slumber and am extremely sore and just want to rest but guess I could" I snapped, glaring at my auntie. I really don't like her. who does she think she is asking me that as soon as I wake up. the officer turned to m auntie and told her to leave the room she nodded and left the room.

"now, millie, I also talked to your friends Stephanie and corey. they told me you have been stalked by a mass murderer since you where stabbed in the back. is that correct?" I nodded my head. "and... they also said this criminals name is 'jeff'? is that correct?" oh my god, how could they tell him... 

"uh, yeah, that's right" I say hesitantly. the officer frowned.

"well, you see, we have been tailing a guy named jeff for a while. all officers who go to look for him end up dead with a smile carved in their face and their eye lids burnt off." he explained. oh god, I didnt want to hear anymore. I just wanted to go home

"do you mind if we stop talking about this? I cant remember much of that night and I plan to keep I that way." I ask. the officer gave me a fake smile and nodded. as he was leaving, the nurse he called earlier entered the room. she checked my blood pressure and all that sort of stuff. she changed my bandages and told me I was free to finally go home with my auntie. I slowly stumble out of bed and hold on to the nurses shoulder for balance. I hadn't realised how hard it was to walk. my bones felt like jelly every step I took. we made it out to the reception desk where my auntie was sitting waiting for me. I walked away from the nurse and over to one of the arm chairs. I sat down and started to watch what ever was on tv. seeming I was at a hospital, all that was on was some documentary about  whales. I look over to my auntie, she was talking to the nurse about something then she looked at me and signalled me to walk over to her. I moaned and started walking over to her, my feet dragging along the ground each step I take. I make it over to her and she gets my ipod out of her bag. wow, she actually did something nice for once. she throws it to me and thankfully I catch it. I place my black headphones on my head and start listening to pierce the veil and sleeping with sirens. after about half an hour of waiting, I was finally released and was able to go home. I hop in the car and rest my head on the window. I had the feeing my auntie was trying to talk to me but I wasn't listening. I didn't feel like talking at the moment. we arrived home and I went straight to my room. I checked my phone, 6 missed calls. half from corey and half from steph. i jump on my bed and start dialling stephs number.


"hey sup steph"

millie? oh my god are you okay?"

on the verge of sanity (a jeff the killer fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now