chapter 4

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"I told you I would be back, now, GO, TO, SLEEP."

Without hesitance, I leaped out of bed, grabbed my bedside lamp and span around. and, as I expected, jeff, was now sitting upright on my bed and grinning maliciously at me. he took  his left hand out of his hoodie pocket, put it behind his back and took out his butcher knife. the peaking moonlight coming out of the window aluminated a red liqid slowly making its way down the tip off the knife and it slowly leaked down to jeffs fingers. he then slowly stood up and before he could move any closer, I made a dash to my window and frantically started trying to unpry it. shit! he blocked it from the outside. I looked to my right hand, were I held the lamp, and attempted to smash the window with it. as I held it in the air I felt a strong grip around my arm. I span my head around to see jeff snatching the lamp out of my hand and thrash it on the foor. his wild eyes stared into mine as he grabs my waist with his left hand and throws me into one of my chests of drawers at full strength. I hit my head hard on the drawer but I proceeded to pull myself towards the door. as I stood up, jeff twisted my ankle, causing me to fall over again. I felt a sharp pain on the back of my right leg but I shook it off and crawled closer to the bedroom door. i stretched out my hand and almost had the handle in my grasp when i felt myself being dragged away from door and over towards my bed again.

"oh no, you're not escaping this time." jeff chuckled.

i kicked and screamed and actually managed to kick jeff in the eye. he let go of me and growled in annoyance.  as i made my way to the bedroom door, i heard someone knocking on my front door.

"millie, its corey, are you okay? i could hear you screaming from my house!"

oh my god... corey... he only lives about a house away from mine. i tried screaming but a hand covered my mouth.

"shhh... don't draw any attention to us!" jeff growled in my ear

i  swiftly turned around and kicked him in the balls "HELP" i yelled. corey must have heard it because i started hearing footsteps running up the stairs jeff pounced on my back causing me to once again hit the floor with a loud thud. my vision became blurred for a few seconds. i squinted my eyes and opened them again, i regaied vision and brushed off the killer headache i gained from hitting my head. i heard my bedroom door open and saw corey running over to me.  

"Millie! what the hell happened to you?" he said shocked at the state of me. i looked around the room and saw jeff no were in sight. the window was still closed and there was no where else he could of possibly gone. he must be hiding somewhere.

"w-we need to leave. NOW!" i yelled at him

we both stood up and walked over to the door. we ran down the stairs and burst out the front door. i fell on the grassy floor and lay there staring at my leg. it had a deep long open wound that was bleeding uncontrollably. well, that explains the sharp pain i felt earlier. corey looked at my leg. wide eyed, he ripped off a piece of his jacket and tied it around my wound.

"what the fuck happened to you?!" he asked shocked

"i-it was jeff..." i whispered


"the person who stabbed me. its jeff" i explained

"wait... jeff.. the killer.. that stupid creepypasta" he chuffed

"yes! he is still after me and its really scaring me. please help me corey!" i pleaded

millie... i know, your going through a tough time at the moment, and that can cause some hullusinations..."

"you think i'm crazy to don't you..." i growled

well, what evidence do you have to prove it. i didn't see anyone in your room or hear anyone else in your room. now, im not saying you did this to yourself but i don't know how someone could escape so quickly or even find a good hiding spot just in the nick of time!" corey explained

on the verge of sanity (a jeff the killer fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now