Chapter Three

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The following morning had come around a lot quicker than I thought it would. Which was strange. Usually, when I anticipating things time went by faster and when I was eager for something it went by slower. I guess the universe is just being weird today.

I was currently at the studio, filling in paper work and cleaning my equiptement at the same time. I still had not news on who this person coming today was going to be. I just knew they were new in the area and were bigshots. So basically it could be any famous Hollywood actor. That just about narrows it down to almost everyone on the block. 

My pen flipped out of my hand as the door behind me swung open. Cara danced inside, carrying our order of starbucks in her hand. 

"One decaf vanilla soy late with extra cream and sugar for you." She said in one long breath. "And black coffee for me." 

My lips puckered in distaste. "How do you drink coffee with out any milk or sugar?" I asked curiously, taking a sip of my own beverage. My fiingers wrapped around the cup as it emitted a comforting warmth through my body. 

"Everyone's got their own taste." She said simply, sipping from her cup. I shrugged my shoudlers. 

"Help me with this stupid paper work." I gently placed my cup on the table, making sure I didnt knock it over as I passed a pile of papers to Cara. 

Cara stuck her hand in my face, causing me to almost fall of my chair. 

"I believe that's your work, not mine." My eyes narrowed at her as she sat up and brushed off a few wrinkles in her skirt. 

"Please!" I whined louder, admittingly sounding like a 7 year old. 

Cara spun around, flipping her hair around her shoulder. 

"Um, let me think about it? No." 

I let out an annoyed groan as she stepped out of the room, leaving me alone with all the blank papers that needed to be filled. What does form filling even have anything to do with photography? What the heck, I dont understand.


"I finished!" I miraculously shouted from my chair. "Cara! Cara! Hello!?" 

As my echo seemed to my only response, I pushed back my chair and began my way out to the main studio floor. The studio in general was very large, but it was divided up in to lots of mini studio areas. Area 1, 2 and 3. 

The neon sign above my head indicated we were in studio 3. 

"Cara?" My voice trailed over nervously as no response could be heard. She was probably just exploring around. If there's one thing I learned about Cara it was that she was one hyper girl. Having ADHD her whole life, sitting around in one spot was probably torture for her. 

I turned around to go back and get my coffee, when I was starteled almost into a fit. As far as I knew, I was alone in the compound with Cara. So coming face to face with some stranger did freak me out at first.

"Ms. Blake?" His voice was very low and flat. My head looked up, nodding.

"Yes, can I help you?" I asked anxiously, crossing my arms over my chest. 

The man shifted uncomfortably, adjusting his tie in the process.

"My name is Mark," He said kindly. "I'm the manager of the group of boys who are coming today." 

My mouth made an 'o' shape and my cheeks slightly flushed.

"Sorry for snapping at you back there-" I waved my hand over my shoulder shyly. He chuckled slightly, shaking his head.

"Not to worry dear, just tell me where I can put down this heavy thing." He directed his attention down at his side to a very heavy looking brief case. 

My feet paddled down the hall, me turning back to make sure he was still following. It was so easy to get lost here. Trust me, I've had plenty of experience in that category. 

When we finally arrived in Area 1, the studio Lucy had left out her equiptment for me, I quickly offered him a place to lay his belongings.

"Ah, much better." He sighed heavily, dropping his brief case with a thud on the table.

We exchanged a few awkward glances before I couldnt bare the silence any longer.

"If you dont mind me asking," I began, taking a seat opposite of him. "Who-"

My sentence was cut short as his phone began to vibrate on the table. He looked at me apologetically but as soon as I motioned for him to take the call, he picked up. 

Seconds too soon he hung up, pushing his chair back and standing up. He stuck his phone in his blazer pocket and adjusted his tie once again.

"Limo driver just called me, they're waiting outside." He informed with a kind smile. I reciprocated the gesture.

"Alright," I said calmly, although for some reason I was beginning to feel nervous. "I-I'll wait in here." 

His nod encouraged me to stay put. I watched him until he dissapeared completely down the hall. My hands were clasped together in front of me, swaying them back and forth. I was still standing in the middle of the empty room alone. 

The longer I waited the more I really wanted to run. 

Calm down. The sensible part in my brain reassured me. Nothing bad is going to happen.

But then there's the majority of my brain yelling at me to leave now or I'd regret it. But why? I had no idea. It's that feeling in your gutt you get when you feel like what you're doing is wrong, even though it still kind of feels right.

I think I'm over doing this. 

It was just a group of guys I was going to have to take picture of. Lucy does this all the time for celebrities so there's no reason why I shouldnt be able to. 

"Alright then," Mark's voice broke me out of my thoughs. Footsteps could be heard making their ways down the hallway.

Leave. Now. An itsey bitsey part of my brain pushed harder. 

But it was too late. 

"Boys, this is Tifffani." Mark's cheerful voice could now be heard a few feet behind me. Having my back turned to them, I took one quick turn to face them. 

Who I saw, I was not expecting. Especially the pair of green eyes intensely staring into mine; soaking in my image and possibly my thoughts.

My nightmare's were coming true. 


(A/N) Hey guys! Important chapter here... kind of a filler but not so much. The next one will be much londer as you can imagine... Tun tun tunnnnn so they come face to face and this time its legit. Vote and comment your thoughts :) They make my day <3 xx - Chloe 

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