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The camera flashes were beginning to irritate my eyes. I leaned back against the brick wall behind me as the smile on my face I could feel begin to drop. 

"Can we take a minute?" I ask, rubbing my eyes with my hands. 

I notice the lighting drop automatically and heels clack over towards me. A finger was placed on my chin and tilted upwards. 

Ginny, my make up artist, didnt give me any heads up before dumping layers of powder on my cheeks and quickly reapplying my mascara. Trust me when I say this, but at times, make up really made me regret being a girl.

She pushed my cheek to the left, then to the right, then to the floor and then to the left again. I must have rolled my eyes a few times because once she was done, she let out a loud puff of air and stormed back over to her chair. 

"Water?" A cheerful voice sounded behind me. I turned around to my best friend Lucy, reaching out a water bottle for me. I gingerly took it and took a few sips, sighing as soon as I felt refreshed. 

"You know, you look like a professional up there." She stated, cracking a smile at the same time. 

I threw the water bottle back to her and laughed sarcastically. 

"No, I dont." I waved my hand at her, dismissing her compliment freely. 

She crossed her arms, looking rather annoyed now and stared at me. 

"Tif, you're not the one on the opposite side of the camera. I can see you, you're gorgeous okay?" She shook her head and went to throw away the bottle. 

"Well, you're my best friend you're forced to compliment me." I watched as she cracked another smile and began dragging me back to the photo set up. 

"Actually, best friends spend most of their time disagreeing and insulting eachother. A compliment is pretty rare." 

With that she placed me back in my previous spot, I could already feel the light beam down on my blonde hair. She fixed my skirt and a few strands of loose hair escaping my braid. 

"Have you thought about coming back to England with me for the summer?" She asked quietly, paying what she seemed to be, hard attention to the ruffles in my shirt. 

I bit my lip anxiously, hoping she would have avoided that question until I was prepared for a better answer.

No such luck apparently. 

"Not really." I said truthfully. "But you can always go with out me. I'm fine here." 

She gave my shirt one last tug and looked straight in my eyes. She could read me so well I was scared that she might actually see how much I was really lying to myself. I've missed England so much. My family and friends, it's been almost 6 months since I'd left. 

But it was for the best. 

I needed time to get away. Thats why I moved here to California to live with my aunt and cousin. I needed to focus on my own life and my own priorities. Even if it meant starting everything from scratch. To be honest, living in a different country has been quite the experience. It was a major culture shock the first few months, but believe me when I say; once you settle in, things begin to feel at home. 

The camera flash snapped me out of my thoughts. Lucy's head popped up from behind her large camera monster and gave me a big, ear to ear grin. 

I know she wants me to go with her because we always do things together. However, she out of all the others should know why I dont want to go back. Not yet at least. 

Still The One (Sequel to It Was Accidentally on Purpose)Where stories live. Discover now