Chapter Seven

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My throat was progressively constricting, barely even allowing air to enter my lungs. His gaze held mine for the few seconds that I allowed it before dropping. 

"I should go." My voice trailed off quietly. Even though my whisper of words was miserably quiet, I knew Harry had heard me as I noticed the frown etch in his brow. 

"Again?" He painfully asked. My eyes shot up at him, partially annoyed at the subject he was already bringing up.

My hand played with the collar strap of my camera while the music continued pulsing through my body. This conversation was not starting off well, so I might as well just end it now.

I was about to excuse myself again, when Harry cleared his throat and shuffled in his spot in front of me. Taking a step closer.

"Tif, can we just talk?"

"No." I replied firmly, shaking my head as my hair bounced side to side. Harry deeply sighed, tightening his grip with his fingers around the drink that he was holding. 

"I'm going to go continue doing what I'm supposed to be doing now." I announced, not waiting for Harry to try and convince me otherwise. This was the only reason I had come tonight, to do this gig. Not to "accidentally" run into him. 

My feet walked me past him but were held back from advancing further more as his hand had latched itself onto my wrist. I spun, eyes focused on his fingers that were pressed into my skin.

"I don't think you understood," Harry spoke lowly but loud enough for me to hear over the music. My mouth became slightly agape as his fingers slowly ran down my wrist until reaching mine. The touch of his warm finger tips sent unwanted shivers to my toes. A feeling, whether I liked it or not, had missed. "I need to talk to you."

With that, he allowed his fingers to knit their way firmly into mine. I was following closely behind him, mind completely out of what was happening. A camera flash broke my daze, getting me to plant my feet firmly on the ground and yank at Harry's arm.

"I cant, I-I need to-"

"Hey Tif!" A familiar voice rang in my ears. At my confusion Harry slyly tightened his hold on my hand once more, making sure I wouldn't slip away. 

As I turned my mouth hung open.

"Cara?" I asked bewildered, squinting my eyes at her. "How did you-"

"Louis and the others invited me." Cara explained facing me, although sending Harry an interesting smile as she noticed the embrace of your fingers. The awareness of other people's eyes falling on us made me try to squirm my way out of Harry's hand, but every time I tried to it only tightened.

"Not to sound rude, but why exactly? I questioned, noticing a flicker of fear suddenly spark in her eyes. She gazed over at Harry who stiffened slightly in his spot. 

At the silent response from both of them I realised that something defiantly was up. 

"Erm." I watched as she slowly revealed something that she had been hiding behind her back. The storbe lights made it difficult to focus, but as soon as I did my teeth grined hard over each other. My work camera was delicately yet unwantedly in her hands.

"They sort of invited me to-"

"To do my job." I angrily finished for her, watching as she slowly nodded. 

I turned to face Harry who willingly caught my resentful glare. Even given the fact that I was beyond angry, he still looked annoyingly calm. His eyes sparkled every time a bright light reflected off of it and his lips looked deliciously pink. Not that I cared.

Still The One (Sequel to It Was Accidentally on Purpose)Where stories live. Discover now