Chapter Two

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My feet paced anxiously around the stair case from outside the building, forcing my eyes shut everytime the crowd back inside cheered louder. Him, he just had to be there. I coulnd't believe I just saw him, that he was so close to me again. 

After 6 whole months I figured what ever these feelings were should have passed, but then why is my heart racing like it were going to pound out of my chest?

I spun around as a firm hand gripped my shoulder.

"Tif," Cara breathed out, shaking her head as she looked back over her shoulder. "You have to come back inside, they're about to leave."

I flinched nervously as she was now hauling me up the staires by force.

"No." I weakly protested, digging my heels in the ground. "No, Cara I really don't want to go back inside." 

A frown ceased on her lips.

"Why not?" She asked flatly.

I was now flustered, not really sure how to respond. I knew very well why I didnt want to go back in there, but I didnt know how to tell Cara.

"I-I'm claustrophobic," I stammered, gathering a pretty good excuse in my head. "Being around all those people - yikes." 

I shook my head exageratedly, holding on to the railing to reenforce the fact that I was staying put outside. 

"Alright, fine." Cara sighed, slumping down her shoulders slightly. "Lets go home then." 

Her sudden movements caught me off guard as she had gone from the top of the staires, to at my side, grabbing my arm. I clumisly tagged along after her.

"Cara," I nervously laughed. "Y-You can go back inside if you want, I dont mind waiting." 

She froze for a second, probably trying to determine if I was being sarcastic or not. As soon as she turned around though, with a smile plastered on her lips, I knew she wasnt hesitating any more.

"Thank you!" She skipped over to me, hugging my shoulders briefly before pulling back. "I'll be tops 15 more minutes, then we'll go to starbucks. My treat." 

She winked at me before hopping up the staires once more. 


I decided to talk a little walk around the building, just to breathe in some fresh air. My thoughts had been completly clogged for the past hour for reasons I'm pretty sure you all could muster. 

How was it I knew the second I stepped into that building this morning, some thing bad was going to happen?

I was just grateful he didnt see me because that would have ended horribly. I never really planned what I would say to him if our paths ever crossed again. Our friendship sort of ended at a bad point, and I dont think I could gather the right words to say to him if it came to that.

I took a shakey breath as I felt a rain drop land on my head. 

The clouds had turned much darker and the wind was starting to pick up. It was probably best I found a coffee shop or any where dry before it started to pour down. 

As I turned the block, I accidentally bumped shoulders with someone. My feet automatically swerved in the opposite direction and carried on, not paying much attention to who it was.

My phone began to ring in my pocket as I entered the coffee shop. 

"Hello?" I asked as I began stripping off my jacket. 

Still The One (Sequel to It Was Accidentally on Purpose)Where stories live. Discover now