Chapter Five

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I snapped out of my thought bubble as soon a hand was unfamilarily placed on my shoulder. 

"Tiffani?" I heard Mark call from behind me. My feet spun around on the floor and quickly turned to face him. He was spreading all kinds of documents all over his table, along with at least five or six different mobiles and notebooks. His hand swiftly ran across his foreheard to whipe away a few drops of sweat, then dropped it back at his side.


"We should get started, now. The boys need to get going in the next couple of hours."

A huge wave of relief washed over me. A couple of hours shouldnt be too bad, right? 

Shuffling was heard from behind me, followed by approaching footsteps. I huffed in a deep breath of air and tried to keep my cool. Reality really hadnt really hit me yet, until I turned around and got a quick glimpse of that intimate grin on Harry's lips I had become fond of. I immediately forced my eyes shut, concentrating. Work is to be done, and nothing more. Stop thinking about this so much Tiffani- it'll be over soon. Just snap some decent photos and they'll be gone. That's the only reason they're here, this is just a really weird coincidence. 

Releasing my lip from between my tooth and spinning on my feet, I couragously faced the five boys in front of me. 

"Alright," I paused, observing all of the others, lifting up an eyebrow at them pretending like I had forgotten their names. 

The silence was broken by a hearty laugh coming from the boy at Harry's left.

"Louis," He introduced, even though he knew I really didnt need it. "This is Zayn, Liam, Niall and-" He took a painfully long pause as he gazed back from Harry to me and smirked.

"This is Harry." 

I nodded uncomfortably and fixed my hair to cover my face. 

"Thanks Louis." I said tightly, pursing my lips together as he nodded in response. He was still the same immature and childish boy from before and I had a feeling that'd never change. 

"So, uhm you and you," I pointed at Liam and Zayn. "Go and uhm, stand- here." 

Groaning quietly under my breath, I quickly walked over to the two statues and directed them onto the platform where I wanted them to stand. Brushing off a quick speck of dust from Zayns jacket, I couldnt help but ignore all of the pairs of eyes on me. Especially one that I hadnt left since the second he walked in. 

I spun back around at the three boys remaining. I tried to ignore Louis who was constantly whispering things to Harry but as soon as I discretely heard the sound of my name escape his mouth, I had to stop it.

"You- Louis," I called a little louder than intended. He and Harry both looked up at me peculiarly, probably not expecting my voice to have risen so high.

"Yeah?" He responded leiusulsy, grinning over at me as I stiffened. 

"Could you come stand next to Zayn, please?" I felt like I was talking to a child, nodding my head over at Zayn for Louis to follow.

I waited with one hand on my hip as he casually strolled over to Zayn. When he came to a full stop, he looked around until locking eyes with me.

"This good?" He asked cheekily.

"Brilliant." I responded with zero emotion, rolling my eyes and moving over to him. 

I carefully inspected him and re-positioned him slightly further to the right, creating a gap inbetween him and Niall to reassure they wouldnt chat.

Still The One (Sequel to It Was Accidentally on Purpose)Where stories live. Discover now