Imperfection - Summer Romance

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I dedicate this to Ashlynn who commented on each chapter and the only one with the "lady balls" to vote and comment. Lmao XD


The party was going good so far. Everyone dissolved into just dancing in a tight circle.

I don't know why people grind on each other at parties but I wasn't like those girls. I've seen it at school dances. I always called them sluts.

But here I am. Grinding in between Olive and Madison. I should point out I'm a little tipsy.

Sure I've been to parties that got me drunk. Once, in my 17 years of life.

"Olivia! Your butt is so perky!" Madison slurred in my ear.

"Thank joo!" I replied back, my own voice starting to get unreadable.

Soon, it started to get dark and the sun was setting. Everyone went to the lake shore to play for the last few minutes of the party.

Someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around.

Except one, Andy.

I pursed my lips. "Hi."

"Hey." He grinned. "Want a drink? You sound hoarse."

"Sure. Why not." I mumbled as he went to the cooler on the far side of the beach.

I watched him. Studying him. He's so cute. But I don't like him. I can't like him.

He came back with an ice cold water bottle. The cap was closed which was a good thing since I'm not in the mood to be drugged.


"Welcome." He smiled and popped open his own water bottle.

I took a long chug then threw it on the ground. He tilted his bottle towards his soft-looking lips.

A small stream of water dribbled down his chin and soaked his t-shirt.

I bit my bottom lip. "Wanna go with the others?" He pointed to where the group was lazily going up a hill towards the woods.

"No. I'm just going to lay down for a minute." I already made up my mind by sitting down on a orange blanket. Orange, ew.

"Well, I can't leave you here by yourself." He said, sitting next to me on the large blanket.

I looked to the horizon. The sun was almost gone.

"Madison and I always watched the sunset here." He commented.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "Really?" I tilted my head and dared myself to look him straight in the eyes.

He looked back at me. "Yeah..." He looked mesmerized.

Slowly, I inched towards him. He inched also. Soon, our lips were only a mere centimeter apart.

He glanced at my lips.

Here come the moment of truth. I knocked our foreheads together. And dare I say it, kissed him.

His lips were unbelievably soft. His lips started to move with mine. I felt a tongue poking at me.

Wow. I've never went this far. I was only expreinced with closed-mouthed kisses.

I let my lips part so his tongue explored my mouth. His lips were also moist. Probably from the water he endured just seconds ago. And chocolates. Mmm.

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