Imperfection - And The Magic Begins!

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Ariana Grande plays Olive in my story and that's what she looks in the picture. :)


Nicole stared at me expectantly.

"What?" I finally asked.

"Aren't you gonna stand so we can began?"

"You never told me to." I muttered and stood.

"Okay. The first rule of magic, is to concentrate." She paused to let the words soak in. I nodded.

"Saying something to make something isn't all that simple." Nicole stood also. "You have to clear your mind of anything that'll distract you from what your doing."

"Say this, give me a cupcake. And think of a cupcake and position your fingers at the table so the cupcake won't appear on the floor."

"Give me a cupcake." I thought of a chocolate one. I pointed my fingers at the desk. Five seconds later, a chocolate cupcake appeared...on the floor.

I pouted. "Don't be sad. That was your first try. And you did good." Nicole clapped encouragingly.

"Try something else. Also, it helps to add please."

I closed my eyes to concentrate harder. "Can you please give me a beaded necklace."

Something cold and metal rested on my neck.

I opened my eyes to see a beaded necklace around my neck.

"Nice." Nicole flashed me a thumbs up.

I grinned excitedly. "Give me a butler!"

"Uh, you might not wanna-"

The lights began to flash on and off, cutting of Nicole and making me whimper. The floor started to shake. "Ehmagawd, an earthquake!" Squealed a voice outside the door.

Nicole whispered a few words. Suddenly, the floors shaking and the lights flickering stopped.

"Let's practice deep breathing." Nicole suggested.

"Good idea." I breathed.


Just my luck, only Madison and Andy were at the table. Even worse, feeding each other carrots.

I slammed my hands a little harder then usual, making them break apart from their love fest.

"Oh, hi Olivia." Madison smiled brightly. Are they seriously that oblivious to my pain?

"Hi." I said through gritted teeth. They turned back to what they were doing.

"Bottled water and a hamburger." I said in a low voice.

"With cheese?" Olive piped up from behind me. I turned to see my friend wearing a pair of science goggles on top of her head.

"What's with the-"

"Eddie dared me to wear these all day." Olive rolled her eyes and took the seat between me and Madison. I refuse to call her Maddie.

Sam and Cameron came next after a few minutes of us eating. Holding hands.

At least I have one friend who isn't dating anyone.

"I have news everyone!" Olive sang.

"What?" Madison's eyes gleamed with excitement.

"I'm dating Eddie!" Olive smiled cheekily. Well...

Today is finally Friday. Everyone says it's a good thing because that's when you get to leave the school and do stuff.

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