>Chapter Forty-Five<

Start from the beginning

"My life is finally starting to go right, mom. I don't need you coming in and fúcking it all up. I'm doing fine on my own, I have a girlfriend now, I don-" I was immediately cut off then.

"You have a girlfriend now?!"

"Yes, I do have a girlfriend. She's my everything and she makes me happy," my tone was much softer as i pressed a soft kiss to Kara's hair. I held her a bit tighter, hoping this wouldn't scare her. "Today's actually our four month anniversary, so if you're done prying in my life, I'd like to get back to our plans." My tone was bitter once again, and Kara sighed quietly.

"Well, I'm having a family get together in two weeks and I want you to be there. No one's seen you in a long time and we all are getting worried."

"No- mom, I'm not c-"

"Yes you are!"

"I said no mom! I don't need to go see you now, or ever for that matter," I hissed, feeling my chest tighten. Kara was being completely quiet, and it was worrying me.

"Oh, come on Luke! You can bring your girlfriend. I'm sure she's curious about your family, right?" She almost sounded smug.

"Fine. If she really wants to, I'll consider it. But only if Ben and Jack are there. I don't need to get into a fight with you in front of her, and they know how to keep the peace..."

"They've already confirmed they were coming. We were only waiting on you," she agreed.

"Fine. I'm hanging up now," I stated before immediately ending the call.


"Luke!" Kara's hand waved in front of my face. "Earth to boyfriend."

"Sorry, sorry... I got a bit lost in my head," I apologized.

"Is everything alright?" She shifted in my arms, her body facing mine as she placed a hand on my cheek. "You look sort of upset..."

"N-no. I'm fine. I was just thinking..." I shook my head and pinched the bridge of my nose as I squeezed my eyes shut. Shivers raced down my spine as I felt her thumb ghost over my bottom lip, making me look at her again.

"If you need to talk about it I can listen. Just remember that okay?" She whispered, her eyes on mine and her brows drawn together in worry.

I sighed and placed my forehead against hers. "I just don't understand why she had to call me today. I mean, of all the days of the year, why today?"

"Maybe that's what was meant to happen... It didn't ruin my day, so you shouldn't let it ruin yours," she shrugged. "Don't worry about it until tomorrow if it makes you feel better about it..."

"But I don't know if I'm ready to have you meet my family, Kara. We're very problematic."

"I want to meet your family though. It's not like my mom and I have never been problematic before."

I didn't know what to say. No one I'd ever been with had been to me what Kara is. No one had stuck around for as long as her, no one had cared about me the way she did, and it felt nice. I had never trusted anything with some of the things I trusted her with, like the stories behind my tattoos for example. Not only was she the only one to ever ask about them, but she was the only one I'd ever consider telling about them.

So now was the biggest thing I could trust her with, the thing that very well might make her rethink being with me.

My family.



Hey, hey, hey!! It's me, your sorta cool, sorta sucky author, back at it again with a pretty good update if I may say so myself. I was really excited for this one, since I got to have the phone call in it. But I really do apologize for the wait. There wasn't really a way around that unfortunately, and now I won't be able to get the book done by the end of the month (unless I write non-stop for the next two days which I obviously can't do, though I'd love to try.) It's okay though. I'm going to try to get these last five cha- OMG ONLY FIVE CHAPTERS LEFT YOU GUYS!!!!!!! WHAT AM I GONNA DO WITHOUT THIS IN MY LIFE?!?!?!?!?! No need to panic. I've got the sequel all planned out. I'm kinda starting prewriting, because I want it to be better than 'Rejects' and I did no prewriting for this at all. Also, I can't believe this is the 50th part of the book )if you include the author's notes and playlist, which I'm posting a new version of at the end of this. I changed it quite a bit.)

Okay, I need to address something that was brought to my attention recently. This topic is hateful commenting. Now, note that thus far I have somehow escaped the path of frustration and hurt feelings created by people who only leave mean comments, but I can't say the same for some people very near and dear to my heart. I have no personal experience with hate on any of my stories which, believe me, I'm thankful for. It either means that my writing is (somehow) good and accurate, or people just don't feel the need to hate on my work. But my lovely friend jkervs1234 has not, for some stupid reason, had the same happen to her. Instead, she has had multiple people come one her favorite story that she's written thus far and post mean, hateful comments. And let me tell you what, those comments weren't just brushed off. I won't say exactly what went on because that's obviously not my place to say, but I just want everyone to know that when it comes to something, like a story, that someone has put a lot of time and effort into, it is NEVER, and I really do mean never, okay to put them down for any reason whatsoever.

I don't understand it, nor do I ever think I will, but why do some people feel it's necessary to go and hate on someone else's hard work? When people do that, they don't know what that thing may mean to whomever made it. I can't tell you all how appreciative I am that I haven't experienced this yet, but I might still have it happen in the future, and if it ever does I just pity the person who does it because I know what this story means to me, and I can only hope that you, as my amazing readers, would defend me and my story. But I also hope you guys would defend anyone's work, not just mine. Whether it be music or art or anything else, always be supportive of people because your encouragement can take that person farther than they every imagined they could go. That's what happened with 'Rejects' so now you have proof that what I'm saying is true. 

So, back to my point. If you all feel so inclined, I'd really appreciate if you could help me support jkervs1234 because she's really shaken up by all this sudden hate. Go check out her story "Sleepless in Holmes Chapel' as it's amazing and that's also the story being subjected to hate. I love you all, thank you for supporting me, and also thank you for supporting her. I know it means the world to both of us. 

And please remember that if you ever need someone to talk to about anything at all, I I hope you know you can talk to me. My inbox is always open, and you can contact me on almost any social platforms. I don't want you to have to keep whatever you need to say inside, and I have no right to judge you about anything. I'll always try to help to the best of my abilities. If you're getting hate, tell me and I'll go try to help as well. ^-^


Rejects // Punk Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now