Chapter Twenty One - In which Dumbledore tells me his secret

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My heart stops.

My father?

The man who murdered so many Muggles is the reason You-Know-Who was defeated? The pit in my stomach grows as I feel the blood drain from my face. This is not possible. It can't be true. He's evil, my whole family is evil. Coming to terms with that fact has been one of the most difficult things I've had to do this decade. 

"You are probably quite confused. Ben Fowler was good at playing his role. He had to be. It was vital for the task I gave him," Dumbledore continues, but the words act like sharp knives in my ears. "He came to me after you were born. Voldemort was angry because your father refused to give him information on a gem that allows the holder to control Wizards and Witches. This would help create a magical slave army, more powerful than any curse, including the Imperius curse. It would also be near impossible to break. The people it effects would believe whatever the caster chose as the undeniable truth. Your father refused to give this to him. To use it required the sacrifice of one pure of heart." 

The Headmaster meets my hard gaze, immediately moisture in mine makes it more difficult to maintain it. Sighing tiredly, he takes of his spectacles as if he knows the words that are coming out of his mouth mean nothing to me right this moment. My fists clench tightly and I'm barely aware of the fact that I'm shaking my head at him. 

This is all a trick.

It has to be.

My father was loyal to You-Know-Who right to the end. I killed him. I murdered my own father and the only justification I can give to myself is that somehow I removed that evil from the world. Somehow I knew he was a monster. Little did I know, in doing so I'd be creating the monster that is me. 

"That would have been you Lily," Dumbledore says, observing me. Blinking at him, I shake my head knowing that this can't be the real story. Why wouldn't Severus tell me the truth earlier? The weight of my actions treble, making it difficult for me to breathe. 

"Your father not only refused to give this stone to Voldemort but also cast a spell on it so that it would be hidden in a location only he knew. He didn't want you to die," Dumbledore continues and I have to suffocate a scream. This isn't real. This can't be real. Severus wouldn't lie to me for ten years if this was the case. 

Nausea sweeps over me as I shakily reach out for my wand. Unsure of what I was planning to achieve, I act on pure instinct. I have to get out of here. My heart calls out to my guardian where words seem to fail me. He wouldn't let me grow up believing my father was an evil Death Eater if that was not the case, would he?

If he thought it would make you accept what you did, then he might have bent the truth, a nasty voice snarls.

"He came to me after Voldemort cursed you asking for me to save you. But alas there was nothing I could do. Voldemort's experimentation in different, dark magic meant that I could barely comprehend the curse he put on you let alone remove it. Had your father given into Voldemort's orders I shudder to think what would have happened." 

"That bravery, that love for you- his daughter, meant that when Voldemort was defeated by Harry Potter, his Death Eaters were not bound by a gem to continue his bidding. It meant most of the bloodshed ended soon after and we had peace." Dumbledore continues softly, seemingly oblivious to the fact that I've stopped listening. It goes against everything I know to be true, challenging one of the fundamental facts I know about myself. 

"Your father saved a lot of lives Lily." 

Hearing that phrase seems wrong. It can't be true. I can't let it be true. 

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