Chapter Twenty Nine

Start from the beginning

Zayn and Louis settle in to watch The Avengers together after that, neither one really speaking, but both enjoying the other's company, it's been awhile since they've had time just the two of them. Zayn jumps when there's a knock at the door before it opens and Bella's voice calls out "Baba?" she asks, "in here, baby girl" he calls back. Bella is suddenly bounding into the room and jumping up onto his lap, "missed Baba" she murmurs, as Zayn wraps his arms around her, "I missed you too" Zayn coos, pulling her out of his chest to look at her ears. They're a little red and look like they probably hurt to touch, but she does look insanely cute, and he's a little annoyed by that. Waliyha walks into the room, pushing Louis' feet off the couch so she can sit down, "rude" he huffs and she just sticks her tongue out at him. "I tried to stop them Zee" she says and Zayn sighs "I know you did, it's why you're my favourite" he says again and she grins at him, while Doniya and Safaa slowly creep into the room. Zayn turns to look at his oldest and youngest sister "don't think I'm not mad just because she looks cute" he points and they both bite their lips. "I know, we should have called you first, if it helps Mum already gave it to us" Safaa explains. Zayn bites back a laugh at that, because of course his mum had given them trouble already. "Just next time, please return her without any new holes, alright?" Zayn sighs, Safaa grins, and Doniya nods, "I knew he couldn't stay upset with us" she whispers, and Zayn rolls his eyes choosing to ignore the comment for now.

An hour later after his sisters have all left and Bella is playing happily in her room, Zayn is sitting at the table, attempting to get registered for his classes early, except his laptop keeps attempting to sabotage him. He doesn't hear the knock on the door, or Liam's voice until his boyfriend is standing behind him, "what are you doing, Love?" Liam asks, bending down to kiss Zayn's head. Zayn sighs and spins in his chair to face him, he's definitely come from the office but left his tie and suit jacket in his car, "trying to register for school, but this thing hates me" Zayn pouts. Liam chuckles "Zayn, it's a computer, it doesn't feel any way about you" he teases, reaching down to pull Zayn into his arms. Zayn sighs but allows himself to be pulled up and into Liam's muscular arms, "how was work?" Zayn asks, his voice muffled by Liam's chest. Liam shrugs, "it was alright, a few meetings, lots of computer work, the usual. I missed you though" he answers. Zayn bites his lip "missed you too" he murmurs. Zayn's about to say something else but loud running footsteps cut him off as Bella slides into the room "DADDY!" she yells, launching herself at Liam, who pulls away from Zayn quickly to catch her.

Zayn watches them for a moment and sees the exact second Liam sees what happened during Bella's day today. His eyes narrow, before he reaches up and gently brushes a finger down the side of the toddler's face, "Zayn?" Liam asks carefully, making the younger bite his lip "yeah?" Zayn asks back as Bella giggles and squirms until Liam puts her back down. "What happened to Bella's ears?" Liam asks slowly, and Zayn shrugs "oh, that, my sisters thought that would be a good idea, apparently" he says. "Why on earth did they think that" Liam squawks and Zayn laughs "no real idea" he mumbles, stepping closer to Liam and wrapping his arms around his waist. "But if it helps Mum and I both already gave them trouble for it" Zayn adds. Zayn watches as Liam appears to be thinking about it before he shrugs, "I mean she does look cute, and I know I really have no right to be upset, but did they even ask you first?" he rambles. Zayn chuckles shaking his head, "no they didn't and yes she does, but Li, you have every right to be upset here, okay?" he asks. Liam's about to protest, Zayn knows he is but Bella cuts him off, "ice cream?" she asks pointing towards the freezer, Liam laughs and Zayn rolls his eyes,"no baby, no ice cream. Not until after dinner at least" Zayn explains. Bella crosses her arms and pouts, "Baba" she whines, but Zayn ignores her, turning back to his laptop. "Hey, Bella?" Liam whispers a moment later, "if you can get Baba to come with us, we can go out to eat, then get ice cream" he adds on. Arabella is suddenly on Zayn's lap, "Baba, come" she insists holding his face in her tiny hands, "Bella needs eat, please" she whines. Zayn laughs, nodding his head "alright, alright. We can go" he chuckles as Bella cheers and dives out of his lap, running away, to hopefully find her shoes.

"Baba ick" Bella whines holding out her sticky with ice cream fingers towards Zayn, who laughs, grabbing a napkin to attempt to wipe her off with, "this is why we don't eat ice cream with our fingers" Zayn scolds gently. Bella bites her lip and shrugs, licking one of her sticky fingers "worth it" she giggles, "where did she learn that?" Liam asks, handing the container of wipes from Bella's bag to Zayn, who takes them from him with a look. "Where do you think? We live with the king of sass" Zayn explains, and Liam nods slowly. They had grabbed a quick dinner before taking Bella for the promised ice cream, where Bella had decided spoons were not a good ice cream tool, and was now overly sticky to the point Zayn doesn't know how they're going to put her in the car. Zayn's also unsure about when the toddler is going to settle down and go to bed when they get home, because she seems really energetic right now. Liam wraps an arm around his waist as Zayn attempts to remove some of the ice cream, "go park?" Bella asks hopefully and Zayn sighs, it would probably be a good idea, let her run off some energy, but he's tired and he can tell Liam is too. Liam answers before Zayn can though, which he's kind of grateful for, "we can for a few minutes, alright Bella-Bug?" Liam asks. Bella grins happily, and stops bouncing long enough for Zayn to wipe her sticky face off, "gonna play Baba" she grins, and he laughs nodding, "yes, but you need to listen to me and Daddy okay?" he asks. Bella gives him an all too innocent grin "promise Baba" she giggles.

Bella takes off towards the slide as soon as Liam sets her down in the park, and Zayn watches her for a minute, before Liam bumps him with his shoulder, tangling their fingers together. "So I have to go away for a few weeks" Liam mumbles, and Zayn turns from watching his daughter going down the slide to furrow his eyebrows at him, "go away where?" he asks. Liam sighs, "Niall and I have to go to the states for a few meetings, and things, I tried to get out of it, but it's looking like I have to go" he explains. Zayn frowns, and nods turning away from Liam to look back at Bella, "and when are you leaving?" he asks, Liam squeezes his hand "Friday" he mumbles. Zayn coughs, and turns to look at Liam "that's in three days. Why didn't you tell me sooner?" he asks. Liam frowns, "I was trying to get out of it and I was scared you'd be upset with me" he whines and Zayn rolls his eyes laughing. "First I'm not upset with you, I understand you have to work" Zayn starts, as his eyes flick back to where Bella is playing with a plastic steering wheel, before focusing on Liam again. "Second, you get to explain it to her" Zayn smirks, gesturing to the toddler, Liam groans, "fine, I'll tell her when we put her to bed" he mumbles and Zayn laughs again, knowing Bella's not going to be happy with Liam for leaving, "Zayn?" Liam asks, making Zayn look back at him again, "when I get home, can you take a few days off, so the three of us can I don't know, go somewhere?" Liam mumbles, scratching his neck. Zayn watches him carefully, before nodding slowly, "yeah, I can probably do that, why are you so nervous?" he asks, and Liam shrugs, "no reason" he mumbles, and although Zayn isn't entirely sure he believes him, he doesn't push it.

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