Chapter nineteen- Operation: Make Gajeel happy

Start from the beginning

We both laughed, and pulled into the next pet store. 

   "Hi! Let me know if you need help with anything!"

The lady smiled and waved, which me and Lucy returned. We walked back to the cat section, and looked at our choices again. 

   "This one looks good."

She pointed at a cat with three white stripes on his side. He looked cool, but not...manly enough. 


Lucy groaned, then looked at her options again.

   "This one?"


   "Fine! How about this one!"

She was starting to get irritated. I looked at the cat she picked out, and smiled. He was completely black, except for is nose, which was white. He had a patch of fur right above his eye that made him look like he had a scar. 

   "Yep. That's the one. That's the one who just screams Gajeel's name."

   "Right, well we should probably go get someone to help. I'll be right back."

She walked away, and I looked at the cat for a minute. I bet him, Happy, and even Carla will be great friends. 


Lucy walked back with someone right behind her. 

   "Which cat would you like to see?"

   "That one."

I pointed at the black cat, a big smile on my face.

   "Pantherlily? Sure."

She unlocked the door, and pulled him out. He was about the same size as Happy and Carla, and had big eyes like them too. 

    Now, he is sometimes rough, so you have to watch out for that. But for the most part, he is a pretty good cat."

   "Yep, sounds like Gajeel."

Lucy and I laughed, then looked back at the lady. 

   "We'll take him!"


We walked to a small room, where she placed Pantherlily in a cage, and handed him to me. 

   "Just come meet me at the register when your ready."

She gave us one last smile, then left. 

   "We should probably get cat supplies."

   "Yea, but you're not going overboard like you did with Happy!"

   "I didn't go overboard!"

   "Oh, really? Because I haven't seen Happy use his 'Cat Claw' once."

   "That was a great toy to buy him, and you know it!"

   "Whatever. Lets just go."

We picked up some food, two bowls, a collar, and one toy. Lucy wouldn't let me get anymore. When we were done, we walked to the register, payed for our stuff, and left. 

   "I can't wait to see his face when he sees Pantherlily!"

   "Me too. I'm sure he'll be really happy."

I drove us back to the mansion, and found Mira in the kitchen. 

   "Hey, guys! Have fun?"

She gave us one of the famous Mira looks, but then laughed. 

   "Where's Gajeel?"

   "Up in one of the guest rooms. I think him and Gray are playing video games."

    "Thanks ."

Lucy and I walked upstairs, to find Gray and Gajeel arguing about who did better.

   "No, I totally creamed you!"

   "Keep dreaming, Ice pop."

   "Were you not paying attention? You died like...five times!"

   "So did you!"

   "Hey! Both of you shut it!"

They stopped and looked at Lucy, who sighed. 

   "Gajeel, we have something for you. Come downstairs."

He got up, and followed. Lucy jumped off the last step, and grabbed the bag that had all the supplies in it.

   "This is for you."

Gajeel looked inside, and got a confused look on his face. 

   "What is this for? I'm not a cat!"

   "No, but he is."

She unlocked the cage, letting Pantherlily out, who immediately went to Gajeel. 

   "Who's cat is this?"

    "Yours ya dense moron!"

He looked at the cat, then to Lucy, then back to the cat. Gajeel dove to ground, and just about killed Pantherlily with a hug. 

   "I finally got my own cat! My very own cat! He's all mine!"

   "His name is Pantherlily."

   "I'm gonna call him Lily."

Lucy and I both smiled at our friend. Its nice seeing him smile like that again. 

   "Everything you need is in this bag."

She gave the bag to Gajeel, who walked upstairs. 

   "I feel like I've done a good thing."

Lucy had her eyes closed, and was smiling. She looked happy. 

   "Me too. Now, lets go steal some of Mira's food she was making. I'm starving!"


We raced each other to the kitchen, and the smell of freshly baked cookies filled my nose. 


I dove for the plate, but before I could reach them, a pan was in my face. I collided with it, and fell to the ground. 

   "Where are your manners!? They need to cool!"

    "Sorry ."

I sat up, and rubbed my nose. 

   "Was the pan really necessary?"

   "Yes. I'll tell you when you can have a cookie, okay?"


Running out of the kitchen, I grabbed Lucy's hand, and dove to the couch. 

   "What are you doing?"


    Well did you have to drag me along?"


I gave her a big grin, and she smiled back. 



Is it just me, or did I make Natsu seem like the gay best friend in this chapter? XD I didn't mean to


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