Scarlett Nights - Part Two

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   (A/N: If you haven’t read part one of Scarlett Nights then I suggest you do so otherwise this book won’t make sense =3. And I’m going to make this book a bit longer than the first; I guess part one was just to see how you all responded to the story lines. Remember stay tuned for a Part 3! So please vote, comment and fan! I love you all mwa mwa mwa –hugs- is this too much love? Hey I see you, stop fighting my love! Love me back!!! ... Thank you <3 <3)

 My name is Scarlett Nights and this is the story of my journey, how I live with myself and a whole bunch of vampires and of course my perfect revenge!


   I’m going to start this where I finished off. With Elijah’s teeth in my neck and Amy’s hand over my mouth. This all sounds very simple but I was actually becoming a vampire, a warrior and a killer. Don’t think this whole ‘change’ wasn’t painful trust me it was.

   As Elijah’s teeth deepened in my neck I felt something new inside me, it felt like an injection. Something oozing into my neck and taking over my body, it burned all over. I screamed but I couldn’t hear anything over the racing of my heart. My body was changing; it was like a fire in my blood eating away at my insides. All I could feel was pain, I couldn’t see, hear or feel anything other than pain. My mind stopped working, it was being taken over. My body was trying to fight the change but it was too strong. My head was burning and my body started to spasm, I couldn’t control anything. I had no idea how long this was going on for but the next thing I remember after the pain was Angel’s face.

   “Hey Amy, get Emily, she’s awake!” Angel’s voice sounded really loud and my head started to hurt again.

   “Hello? Scarlett it’s me Emily remember me?” Emily’s face was near mine and her golden hair was falling on my face. Amy came up behind her and tucked it behind her ears for her.

   I was numb all I could feel was my heavy aching head.

   “She’s still tired Emily,” Amy’s head appeared over Emily’s shoulder, “look at her I doubt she knows who she is!”

   “She did react very badly to the change, Emily. I’ve never seen someone spasm like that during a change. Amy had to call me in to restrain her.” Angel’s face appeared looking down on me.

   “Yes, I would have restrained her myself but I had to go and take Jaden out to hunt.” Emily seemed guilty.

   I tried to move my mouth but it felt as if it was stuck. My voice didn’t seem to want to work either, but at least my senses were slowly returning. I felt my legs were on the sofa and the top half of my body was in Emily’s arms. Wait a minute, how do I know these people? Why am I here? Where am I? Who am I? And why was I in so much pain?

   “Angel take Scarlett to her room for me I’m going out to find Elijah and Jaden.” Emily passed me over to Angel and she left.

   Angel looked down at my face and cradled me his beautiful red eyes looking straight at me, his blonde hair spiked up at all angles. Amy came and sat by him looking at me thoughtfully.

   “Come on Angel lets lie her down on her bed, she’s too fragile right now to walk.” Amy pushed her curly brown hair behind her ears and stood up. So did Angel, he was carrying me like I was a baby. Then everything went black.

   “Mmm...” I put my hand to my head, I should be seeing to Ethan.

   “Scarlett, lie back down!” A black haired boy stood over me and nudged me back to my pillow.

   Where am I? Where is Ethan? I need to make sure he’s okay! Who is this black haired red eyed person? I let out a yelp as the black haired person sat on the edge of my bed. What am I on this random bed for? I let out another yelp and ran towards the door screaming Ethan’s name. The black haired boy restrained me and put me back on the bed still restraining me. The door opened and a man with a scarred face and golden hair came in.

   “What’s happening Jaden?” He said watching me closely. Who are these people I need to find Ethan and make sure he’s okay!

   “MMM, HMHM, MMM!” I tried to scream and break free but the black haired boy had his hand firmly on my mouth.

   “She’s just woken up and she keeps screaming for someone called Ethan. I think the venom in the change has affected her memory.” The black haired got off me and I ran to the door. What venom!? What change!?

   “ETHAN! I’m coming!” I yelled as the golden haired red eyed man grabbed my face and looked me in the eye.

   “Scarlett, if you stop screaming and lie down on your bed then you will remember Ethan and you won’t have to look for him anymore.” He held me firmly and put my back on my bed, I didn’t fight back. Something had happened but I couldn’t remember anything more than that.

   I lay there on my bed and slowly slipped into blackness.

(A/N: Love you all thanks for the support!!!)

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