I see a pot of cold tea, with an empty cup next to it on a desk. I assumed the desk was Evie's, because of its neatness. There was four quills in a cup and ink bottles neatly lined up. There were several books lined up next to each other and letters neatly piled up. I continue to walk through the train and walk onto the next carriage as the door was open. I walk in and see two booths on one side and a neat bar on the other.

"Drink ma'am?" the bartender asked. I wasn't sure if we were meant to be drinking during this time of the day, but you figured since you weren't busy you might as well.


"You got it," the bartender responds. I hear some laughter behind me. I look at the booth and see three young men in green uniforms having a drink. I decide to introduce myself.

"Hello there," I say. The all looked up at me with friendly faces.

"How are ya lass?" he says. I take a seat next to him and look at the other two men.

"Good, yourself?" the bartender walks over and gives me my drink.

"I'm not bad. Say, isn't that a gentleman's drink?" he asks, confused.

"I never fancied any exquisite wine or champagne although, if it's being offered, I wouldn't refuse," I say taking a sip of my drink. I earn a laugh from the group.

"Too right my dear," he responds with a smile. I realize that I haven't introduced myself.

"I'm the new recruit. (F/N) (L/N)," I say extending my hand.

"James Dare. That there is John Remins and he is William Fitz but prefers Will," I shake all of their hands.

"Are you all part of the Rooks?"

"And proud," John responds.

"I see. And is Jacob a good leader?"

"Aye. Both of the Fryes are the best of the best. I would say so myself that Jacob is the one that has the passion for a good brawl," Will responds.

"I see."

"Have you met him?" John asks.

"Yes, I have. He does have quite a ruthless attitude" I take another sip of my scotch.

"Ruthless?" said a familiar voice behind me. I stood up and turned around.

"Ah, Jacob I-" I stumbled over my words, feeling heat rise to my cheeks.

"Was just saying?" he smirks.

"Being ruthless isn't a bad thing. Sometimes it's what you need to win the fight," I respond, calmly. He smiles and nods. He looks over at the table.

"Drinking already?" he says, still smirking.

"Yes, problem?" I respond.

"Yes there is a problem actually," he says, with a quizzical look.

"Why is there not one in my hand?" he says after a moment of silence. The bartender begins to prepare the twin his drink.

"Anyway, (Y/N) are you ready to see London with the best tour guide it has to offer?" he says, after receiving his drink.

"What? Right now?"

"Why not?" he says happily.

"Are you okay to go out?" I ask him, eyeing his injury.

"Sure, I've dealt with far worse," he says. I believe him, remembering the scars he was covered in. He skulls the rest of his drink. How gentlemen like. The train stops and pulls into the station. He walks out of the train.

"Coming?" he asks.

"Yes," I finish my drink and follow suit. I follow after Jacob out of the train station.

"Now all we have to do is find a ride," he looks around. I scan the area.

"There's one over there," I point it out to him.

"Great." We walk over and sit down at the top. Jacob picks up the reigns and we begin to move.

"Actually, just over there is a man named James, he works in that small red shop down there," Jacob nodded with his head in the direction of a small red store.

"If you ever want to buy any weapons, ammunition, or anything really, he's the man to see," Jacob finishes. I make a mental note of that, as my gun was my favorite weapon and always needed fresh ammunition. We continue to make our way down the street and over a bridge. Jacob continues to say important street names and roads.

"Try to avoid any police departments altogether, it just is easier," he adds in.

"Oh yeah, I need to withdraw some money" I remember.

"No problem. As we head to Whitechapel I'll show you the place," I nod, as Jacob continues to tell me place from place.

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