Chapter Eleven

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"Camz," Lauren whispered, "can you tell me a story?" She asked. Camila and Lauren were laying down on the roof of Camila's house looking up at the stars peacefully.

"Sure. I think I got a story for you" Camila said facing Lauren. She rose her finger and poked Lauren's nose causing Lauren to scrunch up her face. Camila giggled at the adorable site and started to tell the story.

"Once upon a time, the sun and the moon were in love. The sun loved the moon so much that he died every night to let her breath," Camila explained.

"They had so much love for each the way I have so much love for you." Camila said.

Lauren blushed and hid her face in Camila's neck. Lauren was in complete awe on how Camila said that.

"I love you so much too" Lauren genuinely said.

Camila reached down and took a hold of Lauren's hand. "You are to special to me. I can never let you go." Camila said. She felt tears stinging her eyes. She thought about the other day when Zayn told her that she's going to have to give up on Lauren. She didn't want to though. She wanted to keep Lauren. Camila didn't want Lauren to leave because some Simon Cowell dude wanted her. She couldn't let Lauren go.

She's to attached to her. She would die every night like the moon to let Lauren breath.

Lauren saw a tear trickle down Camila's face. She whipped it away and asked, "what's wrong?"

Camila shook her head, " nothing"

Camila didn't want to have this discussion with Lauren because if she does she will fear for what comes afterwards. But Lauren wasn't having it. She wanted to know what was wrong with her, so she asked again.

"What's wrong Camila?" Lauren said in a low but stern voice.

Camila bowed her head down not wanting to look at Lauren's ocean green eyes. She didn't want to talk about it. But the secrets must come out one way or another.

"Zayn's not who you think he is," Camila said raising her head a little more to face Lauren. Lauren raised an eyebrow for her girlfriend to continue.

Camila took a deep breath and continued, "he is not a friend of mines. He is actually a vampire that came down here from California to take you to his boss: Simon Cowell."

Lauren had shock written all over her face. She had many questions to asked but didn't know where to start as she took everything in. She took a deep breath and started on the first question she wanted to ask.

"Why am I so important?" Lauren asked keeping a straight face on.

"Uh..I don't know why your important to a vampire but whatever it is I'm not letting them take you away from me." Camila said making it clear that she doesn't want Lauren to be taken away by Zayn.

"If I'm so important to a vampire does that mean I'm like some kind of supernatural being or something?" Lauren asked.

"Well I don't really know" Camila said getting confused on why Simon wants her.

"This doesn't make sense" Lauren said getting frustrated.

"Lauren calm down. Why don't we just talk to Zayn?" Camila suggested.

"You want to talk to the guy that came here in the first place to take me away from you?!?That's stupid Camz!" Lauren yelled getting up from the roof and walking towards Camila's bed room window.

"Wait slow down Lauren you might fa-" before Camila could finish her sentence Lauren wobbled and fell of the roof.

"Lauren!" Camila yelled.

Camila looked over the roof and saw Lauren in the hands of a man: Zayn. Lauren passed out by the impact. Zayn looked up at Camila and gave her a confused look. Camila lazily turned and laid her back on the roof letting out a deep breath.

"Bring her inside and lay her down on my bed then meet me out here on the roof." Zayn heard Camila say in his mind.

Zayn walked into the house and went upstairs. He found Camila's room and laid Lauren down on the bed, tucking her in. Zayn then climbed through the window and sat down adjacent to Camila on the roof.

"Am I even allowed to ask what happened?" Zayn confusingly asked.

"I told her about you and your boss Simon." Camila said looking up at the stars.

"Oh. Have you made up your mind?" Zayn asked.

Camila looked at Zayn with a 'are serious' look. Zayn saw this and kept his mouth shut looking up at the stars.

"Well, I'm going to go now" Zayn said standing up from the roof.

"I don't think I can let her go" Camila said still looking at the stars.

"Well I don't want to die" Zayn said.

"I don't care if you die or not," Camila looked up at Zayn anger in her eyes, "I would die for Lauren to keep her away from you vampires" Camila said the anger now replaced with sadness in her eyes.

Zayn looked at Camila then looked down at the ground from the roof.

"Before you go...will you tell me why Lauren is so important to Simon?" Camila asked the sadness still evident in her eyes.

Zayn took a deep breath and said, "...she's a...a witch."

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