Chapter 53 - The wait is finally over

Start from the beginning

"You aren't putting in enough effort Sophie. Slacking won't cut it during this time in school. Tests are to be worried about, not popularity."

"Miss I am trying my best. All my teachers hate me."

"Well maybe a swap would be in order."

"I like my classes just not the teachers." I say and cross my arms.

"Well, I think you need a catch up session. Miss Castillo says you have missed a few bits of homework so I have arranged for you to stay with her after school today."

"No miss. That's not fair." I complain and she hushes me.

"Complete your work and this wouldn't be happening. Now I have spoken to your mum and she is fine with it, so you have no reason to be ditching it. Take this late pass and explain to your teacher..."

"Mrs Hall."

"Mrs Hall, that you were with me. Understood?"

"Si senora."

"Go and pull your skirt down on the way out, you know the rules. Don't let me catch it like that again."

I push open the door to my science classroom and thirty pairs of eyes are on me.

"Explain." Mrs Hall, my grumpy science teacher, says.

"I was with the deputy. I have a note." I hand it to her and she skims over the writing.

"Sit." She says and I slump in my seat next to Kaitlyn. I am definitely getting grounded tonight.

"You alright?" She asks and I tell her.

"All the teachers are such bitches."

"I think I might just ditch. I can't be bothered for that."

"Sophie, head off the desk and open your book. Date and title in your work book please." Mrs Hall is looming over us. I stay put.

"Sophie? Can you start please."

"Nuh uh." I mumble.

"Sophie. I won't wait, now get up." She says and I know she is about to scream.

"Right, out of the classroom now." She points to the door and I stomp out of the classroom.

I miss the stupid meeting with Miss Castillo and go home. I debate whether or not to go and visit Hayes when I see mom standing, arms cross outside my house. She sees me and storms over.

"In the house now."

"Mom, what the heck."

"Grounded. You are grounded. For two weeks." He says and and my eyes widen.

"But I have things to do." I complain.

"Not any more. And that is the last I want to hear of it. The deputy emailed me and I won't have you being rude t teachers and missing session that are going to HELP you. I am sick of your behaviour."

I storm upto my room and slam the door. I put some normal clothes on and look out to see the sky has opened up and rain is pouring down.

"Eww." I say and fal on my bed. From my open window I see Hayes light is on and I can see a figure moving around.

"Wait..." The open window gives me an idea and I go over, looking outside. The odds of me hurting myself by escaping are quite small...

I shimmy my body out on to the ledge and spot the drain pipe. Grabbing it I slide down and hit the ground with a dainty thud. My shoes squelch on the soggy grass but I walk to the sidewalk and realise, where am I actually going? I decide to head for the park and when I get there is sit on a swing, letting hair drip with rain water.

I haven't got my phone so I wait until darkness falls to head back. I am walking on the edge of the cement and then car headights fall on me.

Suddenly I hear the squeal of brakes and I am blinded by a cars headlights. Then, as I yell out at Hayes to move, I hear the thump of his body hitting the car bonnet.

I flash back to that night and scream to get out of the way off the car. However, when I look properly, though the rain I see it is parked up in the middle of the road. I shield my eyes and see a figure is getting out.


"Who is it?"

"It's Hayes." I see hhayes coming towards me and I burst into tear. I run forward and am immediately embraced by him.

"Hayes I am s sorry." I gaspa dn I feel him stroking my hair and my back.

"It's okay." I breathes into my ear and I bury my face in his neck. It's my Hayes. My best friend. He's here.

More Than Friends - A Hayes Grier fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now