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       Dean, Lisa and Vee all got into the impala. Today was Dean's fathers birthday, John. They were all meeting for lunch at his parents house. Ben was already with Dean's family and they were to meet him there.

   Vee climbed into her car seat and Dean secured her with a seat belt. Lisa was already in the shotgun and Dean went into the driver's seat. He started the engine and backed out of the driveway. Dean had to make a quick stop to pick up his cousin on the way.

   Before they got onto the road to turn into the neighborhood that his parents lived in, he took a different route. Lisa was handing something back to Vee, food he presumed. Lisa was doing her makeup in the car since she wasn't much prepared.

   The turn led them to the home of Charlie. Charlie was who Dean would consider a sister, yet she was only his cousin. Her family wasn't around a lot when she was young, so Dean and her hung around each other a lot.

   Charlie sat on her front porch, phone in her hands. It was chilly outside, and the air felt as if it was biting you. When the impala drove into the lot, charlie gracefully stood and jogged over to the car.

   Her lips were blue and her hands were trembling. Dean unlocked the doors, "Get in, come on now!" he ushered her. She swung the door open and placed herself next to Vee.

   "Ready for the family reunion?" Charlie asked, sitting back on her seat and a nice smile plastered to her lips. She was being sarcastic, Dean's family wasn't exactly ideal when it came to get togethers. It usually ended in yelling.

   Of course Dean wasn't looking forward to it but he didn't want to encourage her, "Nope," His lips made a popping noise and Charlie squinted at him.

   "Sure," He knew she wanted conversation but he was completely focused on seeing his brother today. He hadn't seen Sam in years. They were close when they were young but when Sam grew up and wanted to become a doctor, he abandoned the idea of family and left.

   He'd been back for awhile now, but Dean hadn't built up the courage to call him. Dean's trust was betrayed. He still loved the kid to death, they were brothers after all. He just didn't support his choices.

   Dean turned the radio up just to have it turned down by Lisa. She had finished her makeup and as always, looking incredibly beautiful. Charlie was in the back starting conversations with Lisa and Vee who all played along. Dean replied occasionally but his mind was still set else where.

   Not long after picking up Charlie were they at the Winchester's home. Dean's childhood home, the one he grew up in. All his memories were here. He was about to reunite with his brother and that was a bit much for Dean.

   Dean wondered about how much Sam had changed, if he had a significant other yet or not. If he actually did end up becoming a doctor, he wanted to know every single detail. He wanted to make up for lost time.

   He found his family waiting for him to take the first step to the door. Dean stiffly took a step and with his posture tight and reserved, he walked through the driveway and to the front door. He was hesitant to knock and when he did, it was very silent.

   "Oh for my mother's sake Dean, learn how to knock!" Charlie stomped in front of Dean and knocked with a force. The door finally swung open, revealing Dean's mother, Mary.

   She smiled widely as her eyes set on Dean. She pulled him into a tight hug that was filled with love. Dean held onto her and squeezed her as if he'd hadn't seen her in years. He really hadn't, "Is Sam in there?" He whispers into his mother's ear.

infatuate / destiel auOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora