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   Dean searched the park for anyone that could resemble what he pictured Angel to look like. Although, he had no such luck. How could he pretend to know who someone is by two or three letters they exchanged over the internet?

   He sat down on a bench and decided he would continue looking later. He could use a break, he hoped Angel wasn't going anywhere. Maybe he was just running a bit late.

   He sat at the bench, looking at the people walk by and the children throwing footballs. He admired their youth, his went away a long time ago.

   Later, after sitting on the bench and watching people come and go, some one sat down next to him. He didn't pay much attention, but he did catch a peek at the person. Although his attention was focused on looking for angel, he still hadn't caught a glimpse of anyone that seemed to be wandering.

    He didn't know what Angel looked like but he thought, for some reason, he would just know when he saw him.

   He stood up and wiped his hands on his pants. It had been some time and enough time had been spent on Angel, but Dean was rather disappointed that he didn't show. Maybe they found out it was actually Dean they were going to meet and backed out? Probably, Dean thought.

   The person, a man, that sat down next to him shifted his body to face Dean. Dean looked strangely at the man and stared at him stupidly, "Nice weather we're having," The man's voice was deep and when he spoke, the words all ended in rigid sounds.

   Dean felt his heart drop down to his stomach, he wasn't expecting that voice out of the man in front of him. Angel ditched him and he did not feel like communicating with a stranger, even if he was being polite. Dean simply just shook his head in a yes manner and diverted his attention elsewhere.

   "Not one for small talk?" The man spoke once again with a grin tugging on the corner of his mouth.

   Every time a word left the mans mouth, Dean felt himself quiver. Dean got the hint that the stranger wouldn't give up on conversation and went along with it, not willingly, he might add.

  "Not particularly, not with you," He looked at the man straight in the eyes, taking to mind that his eyes were so blue he could probably dive into them. They were astonishing.

  The stranger didn't even blink and that small grin now turned full, "Oh come on, that's no way to treat an Angel," The man stifled a laugh, "You may have just bought yourself a one way ticket to hell, sunshine."

   Deans jaw must have dropped to the floor. When he heard Angel, this was the last thing he had in mind. This man didn't feel right to him. None of it did. Dean gathered himself together and scoffed, "I don't owe you anything. We have things to discuss."

   He decided to keep the conversation strictly business. Angel wasn't helping that situation, "Sure thing, what do you need?" His eyes glinted with interest.

   "I would like you to easily agree on taking the blog down," Dean stops for a second before continuing, "Or we may have to take things further." He warned Angel, he didn't want to have to do anything in the farther realm.

   Angel leaned forward towards Dean, "Absolutely," His eyes flicker down to Deans lips before back to meet his stare. Dean felt overly uncomfortable and scooted away from the man.

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