Chapter 6 wreaked

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I woke up 24 hours later, confused but it didn't take me long to figure out I was in a hospital after I heard the annoying beeping and felt how uncomforible the bed was.

I groned, I hated hospitals.

A doctor came in and explained that I'd been in a car accident. The weird part was that I had been found a good 100 feet away from the crushed car on the sholder of the road, after an unknown someone had called 911 and told them exactly where to find me. I also had bruises contsitant with someone reviveing me, and blood on my clothing and in my hair but no wound underneath. Once again I was a miericle survivor and the subject of alot of gossip in the hospital.

My mother and grandma stayed with me as much as they could, and a few of my coworkers visited almost everyday.

I had fallen into a comfortable patrean over the first few days. My mom and grandma would leave, Will and Helena would come visit, Will would entertain with stories from his time as a federal agent, Helena would share respies and gossip with everyone who sat still long enough. And then after they left David would show up, always bringing food I'd requested, and we'd sit talking, eating, and watching tv.

David was my only real confront in the hospital, he kept the extremely creepy doctor I'd been assigned form doing anything to werid. There was something very off about that doctor.

David sat in the chair next to my bed, chewing on a French Fry and watching CSI on the tv.

I heard a voice then, it hadn't come from the direction of the tv so I glanced at David "sorry, waht'd you say?" I asked . He swallowed the bite he was chewing and said "I didn't say anything." His voice had concern in it. I knew it couldn't possibly be someone outside, the hospital room door was much to hevey for sound to carry though it. I schok my head to clear it, David was watching me with concern in his eyes.

"It was probably nothing," I assured him "they gave me some meds earlier, their probably just messing with my head." I explained, hoping he belived me and didn't call a nurse to find me a head doctor.

* * * *

I woke up at midnight to whispering somewhere in my room, I looked around expecting to catch the nurses in the act of gossiping about me. But there was no body there.

Maybe my doctor really and slipped me something, hopefully not a date rape drug. Paranoia was diffidently kicking in, maybe it was too much time in this room that was messing with my head. Oh well I would be leaving tomorrow.

They had only kept me here to monitor me, make sure I was okay. Although I felt like a science project to the doctors here. This made twice in my life I had miraculously walked away unscathed from something that should have killed me, the doctors treated me like a Guinea Pig after they found out I was suppose to be the Red Ridge Rippers finale victim, studying me as if I both facilitated and scared them.

One of them had even had the nerve to ask me "what was it like living with the most prolific serial killer in the Northwest?" I told him if he ever talked about it again to anyone I would strangle him with his stethoscope. He must have taken the threat seriously because I didn't see much of him after that.

I was very happy to leave the hospital, I almost wished whoever my savior was would have just revived me and then let me wake up and walk home form the wreak. There was nothing I hate more in this world then doctors. My theory is if you enjoy a job where you stab people with niddles, and cut them open and take things out then you where sicko, it was really that simple for me. Just because you put the title "DR" on the front of your name didnt make it okay to be a sadist in my book. Most people I'd met saw doctors as heros, but for some reason I couldn't think of the lives they saved. Only the ones they didn't, and pain some of their treatment caused.

A nurse lead me to the front door and wished me luck. Some of the nurses thought I had an angel watching over me. I was pretty sure my mystery savior was the sexy guy from the animal shelter. I don't know if he's an angel I know he's saved life twice when I should have died. If he really was an angel then why didn't he help out with other stuff? My life's a wreak and if he could heal fatal wounds in seconds then why couldn't he put things back on track?

Maybe I was over thinking this, maybe it wasn't the same guy as the night my father tired to kill us, maybe he was just in the right place at the right time and I wasn't as hurt as the doctors believed, maybe he was a stalker.

I mean I'm sure it's possible some random guy could look like the guy from that night. I quickly dismissed that thought, it was very unlikely that there was another person was as incredibly gorgeous and had his freaky yet beautiful blue eyes.


"Castiel! What the hell did you do?" Dallas, an angel of death screamed at me. Angels of Death where like my helpers, too many people died everyday for just me to handle it.

"What do you mean by 'what the hell did you do'?"

"You know exactly what I mean! That girl form the car wreak, the one you've been watching. She lived, she just left the hospital a little over an hour ago. Why did you save her?"

"Because she's special" I answered.

"Oh well that's a perfect excuse to break every freakin law of nature!" Dallas ranted.

"You don't understand....." I trailed off.

"What is there to understand? Your Death taking human souls when the die is your job" she started at me for a moment and then something seemed to dawn on her. "Oh I get it, your attracted to her" she said.

I nodded.

"And you couldn't just bang her like the rest of us do and move on?" It wasn't uncommon for an Angel of Death to find a mortal soul attractive and sleep with them once....or a few times, as long as they took the soul when it was time it didn't really matter what they did in thier free time. Angels of Death wherent suppose to feel love either so there was no danger of getting attached.

"The Deity are pissed at you Castiel, and there making an Angel of Death kill her for you"

"Their what?" I almost yelled.

"You heard me, you failed to do your job so they are sending an Angel of Death to end this before it gets even more out of hand. This is why Death isn't suppose to feel human emotions"

"Who are they sending?" I demanded.

"Dine" she answered. He was the most violate Angel of Death. One of us deciding how someone would die didn't happen alot but when Dine got to decide it was always bloody and painful. I wasn't about to let Freya suffer that fate, i disapaired before Dallas could react to stop me.

* * * *

I found her in an ally behind a gas station, there was also a man there along with Dine. "I'll deal with you later" I told him as I stalked past him, the fear in him at the ice dripping from my voice was obvious.

Freya ran out of the woods that surrounded the entire town of Winchester into the small ally way, her boots and jeans muddy, her hair was tangled with twigs, and there was a bleeding screch on her check.

Her toe caught on a pot hole in the cement and she fell on her hands and knees, as she imedeatley got up and I noticed the knee of her jean's was ripped and blood was oozing form a gash in her skin.

She ran to a door at the end of the ally and tired to open it, jerking on the knob as a man ran out of the woods behind her. He ripped her off the door and threw her onto the hot cement, he got on top of her and started rasing her shirt up. I stepped forward to intervene when Dine came up behind me, I knew he intended to stop me. With a wave of my hand I threw him against the gas station wall.

Freya was still sturgling on the ground "hold still you little bitch" the man yelled, she was crying out in pain and there was a pool blood forming around her. Dine was gonna pay for this!

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