Chapter 4 meeting Death

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I had figured out how I could speak with her in human form as I collected the last soul for the night. I watched as a medium sized white dog limped down an ally on three legs, I was certain the animals back leg was broken.

I focused and made a leash appear in my hands, and went to it in human form. The dog whined and looked at me with fear in its eyes "it's okay buddy, I'm not going to hurt you. I just have a proposition for you." I said trying to imitate the way Freya talked to the shelter animals and her own to keep them clam. I didn't deal much with animals. they weren't like humans, their souls didn't need any help finding their way to where they where suppose to go.

The dog finely let me slip the leash around his neck and lead it off down the ally.

Now I needed a vehicle. My plain was to bring the dog to the animal hospital at the humane society when I knew she would be there, working in that building. Tell her I accidentally hit the dog with my car and hope she let me in.

I then went and found an impound lot. I didn't want to take a car that was evidence in an actual crime, so I looked for one from a wreak. I found a early 2000s Corveet that wasn't so badly wreaked that I couldn't fix it, and I knew for a fact the man who had driven this car was dead and nobody was going to claim the car.

I placed my hand over a place where the mettle had been ripped off the hood and imagined it being totally fixed, the mettle warmed under my hand and when I opened my eyes the front of the car was totally fixed. I contuined fixing the rest of the car in till it had a red paint job with a chrome finish, leather seats, and a good sound system. It was perfect.

I drove it out of the impound lot unnoticed, and picked up the dog from where I'd left it.

Freya was about meet death and she had no idea.


"So how are you likening it here so far?" Dr Ford, the vet at the animal hospital asked.

"I love it" I replied.

"Good we need someone like you around here, too many of our best lose interest in the job or get ran off by the bosses" I knew the bosses here where not very nice people but that didn't bother me much.

"I don't scare off easy" I assured her. Dr Ford had kinda taken me under her wing in a sense.

Just then I heard load banging on the glass front door. "I'll go see want they want" I said as I walked out the door of the exam room we where cleaning.

I opened the door to incredibly gorgeous guy with a Corvette parked behind him. The first thing I noticed was his insanely blue eyes staring down at me though thick eye lashes. He had thick jet black hair that fell to the collar of his shirt that curled at the ends, he was wearing worn out blue jeans, a black shirt that was unbuttoned enough to show off his chest, and black army boots. "Can I help you?" I asked.

"Yeah, I hit a dog on accident. I think it's leg is broken" he said in a deep sexy drawl.

"Okay, where did you hit it so we can send someone to get it?" I asked.

"I kinda brought her, she's in the back seat" he explained.

"Dr Ford!" I yelled and made my way down to his car. There was a border collie laying on the leather seat with her leg stuck out at an odd angle, he was right the dogs leg was broken.

Dr Ford came up beside me and we carried the dog into the building, the sexy guy fallowed us and Dr Ford asked him "Do you want to stay in till we're done?" And he nodded in repose.

I helped Dr ford splint the dogs leg, and then she invited the sexy guy in to see the dog.

He walked up beside me where I was cutting the extra warping off her leg.

"Want's going to happen to her?" He asked.

"We'll nurse her back to health and put her up for adoption when she's healed" I told him.

He stood there and watched me work. "You can pet her" I told him.

He shock his head. "Oh come on, I've heard this breed is insecure. She'll probably think there's something wrong with her if you don't" I joked. He smiled and reached out his hand, running it softly over the dogs fur.

"So are you like a vet teach or something?" He asked.

"No I'm more of an assistant in training. This is volunteer work, my real job is a care giver for the recused animals" I told him.

"You must be dedicated" he stated.

"Well want better is there to do on a Friday night?" I asked.

"I'm sure you could find something. Don't you have friends or a boyfriend?" I froze in the middle of washing my hands, did he just ask if I was single?

"Most of my friends work here, I just moved down here so I haven't had a chance to meet very many people yet," I explained "besides I like animals better then people so I'd rather be here." He nodded and glanced back down at the dog. "What are you going to name her?" He asked.

"Don't know yet, we always wait to name then in till we know them" I explained.

"I didn't catch your name" he said as he stoked the dogs head.

"Freya, and yours?" I asked.

"Just call me Cas" he said. I wondered what that was sort for, as I peeled my eyes away form his intense gaze and started playing with the hem of my scrubs shirt.

"You can come back see if you want" I told him.

"Yeah, I'll do that" he said "maybe I'll see you around when I do"

"You probably will" I said as he walked out the door, once on the other side he waved at me and dog and sauntered back to the Corvette.

"What the hell just happened?" I asked myself. I was never easily attracted to guys, but this one....he was really something.

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