chapter 2 days gone by

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It was a monday and I was board out of my mind when my grandma sudjusted I should go see the sites of Phnoiex while my mom was out applying for jobs.

I wasn's finding Phnoiex the facnating place my grandma had made it out to be, in fact the only things I'd found to do was wonder around the mall whtich I couldnt afford hardly anything in, and drink iced coffee in one of the few smaller cafes I'd found.

It was alot like Seattle had been in a lot of ways. Full of over priced coffee and anoyying people at every turn. It had the confusing lay out that even the best at map reading could get lost in. The only thing that had saved me was the IPhone my grandma had got for me had GPS, the facney turn by turn direction stuff that told you in how many feet you had to turn, I'd thouht that only came with lucksery cars and not that old Impla I was driving but here I was with it on my phone.

After a few minutes of driveing around, killing time a sign that hung over a bulding at the univerity of Phnoiex  It read Summer Criminal Phycolgy calsses start today. I pulled into the first parking space I found and waited in till two o-clock came.

When I walked into the lecture hall it was everything I had expected. I made sure I walked in behind a row of other students so I wouldn't be noticed. A very young looking professer stepted up to the podiem and began the class. I hadn't brought anything to take notes with like all the other students where taking out, I hadnt even planed on going to any calsses today so of course I didn't. I didn't even know what had darwn me to lecture hall, I guess I had an intrerest in criminal phycolgy sense my dad but I didnt think it would ever drive me into a place like this.

After the class was over and I was getting up to head out the professer said "you look a bit young to be one of my students. What brought you here?" I tunred and decided to tell the turth.

"I just saw the sign outside and wanted to come see what it was all about I guess"

"have you always had an intrest in criminal porfling or did that just dawn on you in the pakring lot as well?" he qestioned.

"I've always been interested" I told him.

"how old are you?" he asked, I again decided to tell the truth.

"seventeen" I replied.

"are you intrested in staying with us for the rest of the calss? You are a bit young but if your turely interested and have what it takes I would love for you join the calss permently"

"how much does it cost and waht do I have to do?"

"ah you cut to the case, I like that in a studnet. I will alow you to join us for free, that will be our little secret though. And for what you need to do, write an easay on whatever subject within criminal phycolgy you like and if its any good you will officaly become part of the class. bring it in on firiday"

"okay" I replied.

I couldn't belive me, who hated school and just about everything to do with it had signed up for a calss on a subject I knew hardly anything about. I had alot of resherch to do in the next 5 days.


I had come to the big house in woods this mourning expecting to find nothing but your everyday boy band obssesed, love sick teenage girl. But I had gotten so much more then I had bargened for.She was nothing like the rest of the teenage population, and was quite facinating.  

I watched her sitting at a laptop in her bedroom researching for a summer collage class she signed up for today.  

I guess I understood why she would want to know why murders did what they did with who her father was.....but it was still unusual to me that she wanted to know badly enough to spend part of her summer on it.  

Most girls her age I had watched before their deaths where about as deep as the shallow end of a kitty pool, had horrible taste in music, and where arrogant and self obsessed. She was different she was deeper then most seventy year olds I'd met, acutely had good taste in music, and didn't seem to care what other people thought of her. I could easily watch this girl for hours. 

After she went to sleep I left to finish collecting souls for that day and returned in the mourning to watch her. I knew this could become a bad habit very quickly if I let it. 

That mourning around ten o-clock she grabbed her bag and headed out to the old Impala that seemed to her unofficial car, before she left she had told her grandma she was going to apply for a job at the Winchester Humane Society. 

Again this human girl had managed to surprise me. Very few seventeen year olds got jobs that did the world some good.

She walked up to the doors of the small facility with nothing but confidence in her demeanor. It was only once inside the nerves started to set in as she walked up to a large red headed woman behind the computer.

"can I help you?" the woman asked in a thick Sothern drawl.

"yeah, I was wondering if you guys are hiring?"

"as a matter of fact we are! what is that your interested in doing?"

"anything ablative is fine for me" she replied.

the woman rooted though a much too high stack of papers and gave her an application. "fill this out and we'll see what area you can benefit the shelter the most."

Freya wrote her name, address, phone number, ect, as I watched over her shoulder invisible to both women. She paused for a moment at the question "why do you want to work here" and then wrote "living way back in the woods gets kind of boring and I figured there is no better to spend that downtime then helping save lives here".

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