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5 Friday 22January 2015

(Not edited, ignore any mistakes please x)

"I have an idea!" Brooke (Pandora) squeals dragging me by my arm through the mall Friday afternoon after school.

I had won my race on Thursday against Boss and gained $670, And now Brooke and I are having a sleepover at my house and she decided she wanted to go shopping.


I had been tutoring Jacob after school this week whenever we didn't have races, he even got a B+ on our English test which is good considering he's got a D average.

Jacob and I had even sort of become friends in a way, but Queen and King are still enemies.

"Ugh what?" I groan I look at Brooke and she has that look in her eye that says 'I am so smart'.

Which is never a good thing..

"Okay so you said that you don't want anyone to find out your Queen because the bullying will increase because your the school nerd, right?" She says and I nod signalling she should continue.

"Well what if you weren't the school nerd? Like if you started wearing less baggy clothes and started sticking up for yourself more and not keeping the fact that your Queen a secret" she explains to me.

I contemplate her idea, it's definitely not her worst idea that's for sure.

"I don't know" I say hesitantly it could go either way her plan could work and the bullying decreases or it doesn't work and the bullying increases.

"Cmon please" she begs me giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Let's get something to eat and I'll think about it?" I offer Brooke agrees and we make our way to the food court.

When we reach the food court we order a large bowl of hot chips to share.

While we're eating the chips I think about Brooke's idea, if I do come out as Queen I would still tutor Jacob.

"Okay I'll do it" I agree to Brooke's idea as we finish off the last of the chips.

"Really!?" She asks in excited I nod and she bounces in her chair.

"Yay! Let's go get you new clothes!" she exclaims standing up and pulling me behind her.


"Okay so if you've got a new look you need a new attitude" Brooke tells me as we walk home from the mall with 3 bags each in our hands all 6 bags are full of clothes for my new wardrobe which consists of mainly dark clothes.

"What do you mean?" I ask her slightly confused.

"I mean that you have to stand up for yourself and speak your mind" she tells me.

I nod understanding what she was saying. "I'm still not 100% sure I want everyone at school to know I'm Queen" I say with a frown.

"Then don't tell anyone yet, just see how everyone reacts to your new look then decide if your going to tell them your Queen" Brooke suggests.

"Ya know what Brooke? Your smarter then you look" I tell her nudging her shoulder with mine.

"Than-hey!" She whines after it registers in her brain what I said.

I giggle quietly at her as we continue to make our way home.

Even if I don't tell anyone they'll all figure out who I am eventually.
About 10-15 minutes later we arrive back at my house.

We explain the idea to my mum and she loves the idea because she doesn't like me pretending to be someone else.

She also said that even though she doesn't love the idea of me being a street racer she was proud of what I've accomplished.

After that we take my new clothes up to my room and hang them all in my wardrobe.

We decide to watch a movie, Brooke wants to watch The Notebook but I want to watch She's The Man, in the end I win and we watch She's The Man. Score 1 Sienna :)

After the movie ends I give into Brooke's whining and we watch The Notebook, when the movie finally ended, Mum said that we could order pizza for tea, we placed our order and selected a couple other movies we could watch that night as we wait for our pizza to get here.


Heyyyy :)

Sorry for the short chapter I was in a rush while I was writing this.

Hope you liked this chapter please vote and comment I love the feedback!

Lots of love -M x

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