"What's up with your face?" Christopher inquired.

I'm guessing that's his way of asking what's wrong? "I often get seasick."

His eyebrows rose as he stared down at the crystal clearness of the water. I tightly held the bars in my hand and looked over at the Sydney Harbour Bridge. "So..." I started, clearing my throat. "Do you come here every single year?"

Christopher turned his back to the bars and leaned against it. "I believe I already answered this question," he raised his eyebrows, gazing down at his shoes.

"Yeah, you did," I muttered. Why wasn't I blessed with the talent of starting conversations? "What's your favourite movie?"

Christopher gave out a sigh. "You never give up, do you?" I sheepishly nodded and he blinked down at his shoes. "Inception."

I nodded. "I enjoyed that movie." He remained silent for quite a while. "You don't want to know what's my favourite movie?"

He looked up from his shoes, sporting an irritated look in his face. "Considering the fact that I don't like, then no, Daniella, I don't want to know what's your favourite movie," he sighed.

Peeking up from the water, I arched an eyebrow. "Why not?"

"I literally just explained why," he stated, a perceptible tinge of disbelief seeping through his tone.

"Why don't you like me?" I rephrased.

"That's for me to know, and for you to...to not find out."

I snorted. "Don't go all fortune cookie on me."

"You're not funny," he repeated for what seemed to be the thousandth time.

"You're such an ass!" I snapped.

"Someone's on their period, and it sure ain't me," he mumbled.

I remember my teeth being gritted. He did not just say that. "God, you're so annoying." Spinning on my heels, I made my way back inside the ship and approached our table.

"How quick," my father pointed out.

I managed to force out a smile. "Well, I kind of got seasick," I lied.

The corner of his lips turned upwards. "Right."

Huffing out a breath, I propped my chin in the palm of my right hand and stared out the window at the view. At times, the ship would bob up and down and I'd have to clench my jaw in order to keep my food down.

In about an hours time, we eventually decided to head back home, and I'd be lying if I stated that I wasn't happy about that. In all honesty, I felt rather exhausted and dizzy, which was the reason behind my joy. Trudging out of the car, I eased behind my family towards the hotel.

I stopped dead in my tracks as I noticed Christopher lingering behind. My eyes fell on the cigarette interposed between his middle finger and his index.


I ascended up the steps and dropped down beside him. He remained silent, and chose to puff out a cloud of smoke. "You never reply back to me," I pointed out.

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