Chapter 23

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Day Day POV

I woke up and went to Papa P's to get Diana something to eat. I returned home and she was still in bed sleeping. I prepped the food just incase she woke up.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower. That water felt good. I washed my hair while i was in there to. When I got out, I dried myself off and put on deodorant.

I put on my white T and some basketball shorts. I went to my room to check and see if Diana was awake and she was. "Goodmorning Diana. Breakfast is on the counter" i said creeping in the room

"Thanks" she said in her sleepy voice. She got out of bed and I layed down in her spot. She got the sheets smelling all good.

I turned on the TV and the morning show was on. 15 minutes later, Diana came back in the room.

"Boy get out my spot!" she said playfully hitting me. "Nope" i said grabbing her wrist.

"Ha Ha let me go its too early" she said laughing. I pulled her on me and she was laying across my chest.

"Why are you trying to fight it Diana?" I asked her "I don't mean to" she said

She got up off me and went to the other side of the bed. "You play too much Day Day" she said still laughing.

We both laid back in the bed and watched TV.

Jaila POV

Wasn't nothing to do today. I woke up and went to the nursery room and got Levi out and took him to the kitchen to find him something to eat.

Some mornings I don't even feed myself. Levi has to eat before anybody in the house. I fixed him some oatmeal and Rakir woke up stepping in the kitchen.

"Goodmorning" Rakir said
"Good morning baby" i kissed his lips and he grabbed my booty.

"Rakir don't come doing all this" i said i got Levi out his high chair and took him to his room. I put him in his play pen and i went to the closet to get the things i need to change his diaper.

I turned around and seen Levi standing up holding on the edge of the play pen. I run to the kitchen and told Rakir.

"Rakir come here! Levi's gonna start Walking!" i said grabbing his hand and pulling him.

We rushed back to the room and Levi was sitting. Rakir looked at me confused. He climbed in the cage with Levi and held him up so he can walk.

He was stepping. Rakir slowly let him go and he made 8 steps but then fell. It was so adoreable. I picked Levi up and put him on the stand to change his diaper.

"Rakir hand me the baby powder" I said

Rakir gave it to me and wrapped his arms around me. "" Levi said

Wait what?! I looked Rakir in his eyes and his were bigger than mine. "Baby he just spoke" Rakir said shaking.

This is like a miracle. I kissed Rakir and asked him to calm down. I wasn't even calm myself but still. "Where were we when all this started happening" i asked.

I was kind of confused tho. We must haven't been paying attention to Levi that much. I picked up my phone and called Lia

It rung 4 times then she answered.

Lia: Hello

Me: girl this is a miracle you won't believe what just happened.

Lia: What happened Jai

Me: Levi started talking and Walking

Lia: omg that's great girl

Me: Yes he said MaMa and DaDa giirll

Lia: Well yea those are a babie's first words

Me: Im so excited Lia. I wish you could see this. Matter of fact I'll send you a video.

Lia: Ok

Me: Alright bye

I hung up and switched to the camera. When Rakir was done changing Levi, I asked him to hold his arms while I record a video of him walking.

The video was 34 seconds long but it was perfect. I tried to get a video of him talking, but yall know how babies are. I sent the video to Lia and i was jumping around everywhere.

I thought about who else should I call. I had to call Tonio because this really is his baby.

Ride or Die 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora