Chapter 14

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Jaila POV

After i got done feeding my gut, I used the bathroom and went to the game room with Rakir.

"Rakir I'm ready to go"

He turned around with barbeque sauce on his cheeks

"Hold on and let me finish this last rib" He said with food in his mouth.

I rolled my eyes and went to the living room to sit down. I stopped and paused when i seen Tonio holding Levi. He smirked at me and raised his hand.

"Give me my baby I'm about to leave" i said nicely

"Yo baby? This our baby and you not finna keep him away from me with another nigga around him"

"Tonio, you're being stubborn. Just give me Levi so I can leave." I said holding out my arms

"Nah how about you and Rakir go and make yall own babies" Tonio said

I was really about to cut a fool.

"Tonio give me my son so i can go home!"

"Is there a problem?" Rakir said holding me back

"Yes, Tonio wont give me my son and I'm ready to go" i said

"Look man, we don't want to start no trouble up in here so please give her back her son." Rakir said gettin' in Tonio's face

Tonio looked around and pushed Rakir on the glass table. Rakir got back up and he punched Tonio's jaw. His hand was bleeding so i tried to stop him.

Day Day & Stephan came running out the kitchen.

"Break this shit up!" Day Day yelled. Stephan jumped in and broke up the fight.

"Yall get out my house ya hear and dont come back 'fore i call the police" Anthony's Grandad came running in the living room with his cane.

Levi was crying so i got him before all this started and got in the car. I sat in their waiting on Rakir to bring his slow ass on.

He came the car limping and blood dripping from his hand.

"You go sit in the backseat" I said running to the driver's side of the car.

I pulled out the drive way and headed over to Lia's.

"Shit my hand hurting bad as fuck bae!" Rakir said

"Yall men have to learn how to talk around a baby. Stop cussing in front of my baby!" Levi started crying again

"See look what you did" Rakir said

"Give him a toy or something" I said looking in the rear view mirror.

"Ight but my hand still bleeding"

Soon we made it to Lia house.

"Move! Go knock on the door and try to get your hand fixed I'll do everything by myself." i said

I got Levi's things together and I closed the car door and walked in the house. Lia had on some tights with a tank top and house shoes.

"Hey" I whispered it was really quiet

Lia barely waved but she didn't say anything. She took Levi from me and took him to the back. I looked around and thought about Anthony. My eyes started watering

"What happened to Rakir?" She said walking in the kitchen and not making eye contact with me.

"See what had happened was, him and Tonio got into it because Tonio wouldn't give me back Levi."

She raised her eyebrows and shook her head.

"Its ok if we stay here tonight?"


"Lia?" i asked she was crying hard as hell.

She shook her head
"No I'm ok and sure you can stay here for tonight" she gave me a fake smile

I went to the bathroom to check on Rakir and he was taking selfies

"Rakir put yo phone up and get ready for bed" i told him

"Alright let me brush my hair

He picked up a brush and brushed his long hair. He had alot of hair under his arms

"You need to trim some of that shit under yo arms" i laughed a little

"Its gon' grow right back babe"

I smiled and went to the guest room and got ready for bed. A few minutes later Rakir came in after me and got in bed with me.

"I love you"
"I love you to Rakir"

We kissed and i fell asleep on his chest.

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