Chapter 4

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Stephan POV

WHATS UP YALL MY NAME STEPHAN! I'm Anthony's homie and we been banging since 9th grade. Im also cool with Tonio, Day Day, and Rakir. Im 27 and I live alone. Im single to. Anyways enough about me, I was on my phone and I had the feeling to call Anthony.

Anthony: Hello?

Me: Wassup where you at?

Anthony: At home wassup

Me: Wanna meet up somewhere?

Anthony: Yea i guess why?

Me: Just wanna talk about some stuff

Anthony: Ight where to

Me: Ha Ha you sound gay, but The mall and imma call Tonio and Day Day

Anthony: Alright

I hung up the phone. I went to my closet and put on some clothes. I had on a white muscle shirt, a chain, some white Nike's, and a white pair of joggers with a diamond in my right ear and a designer belt. I sprayed some Cologne and put on some deodorant and I headed out my house.

Day Day POV

'Sup my name Day Day and i know yall heard of me, I'm Tonio's neighbour- well used-to-be neighbour since somebody blew up his house. I felt the ground shake and everything. Anyways Stephan had called me when I was in the middle of getting me some head. The bitch stopped sucking so i could answer my phone.

Me: Who the fuck is this and what the hell you want?

Stephan: Nigga this Stephan, meet me at the mall food court in a few

Me: But i got a bitch slobbing me up right now

Stephan: I don't care about what you and your hoes are doing meet me at the mall in the few minutes I said

Me: Ight man whateva damn

I hung up in his face and got up to get dressed

"Damn Imma have to go somewhere" I said trying to catch my breath

"You- gonna be back home in time for round 3" My bitch Charity said

She's getting a little bit too comfortable. She's calling this place her home now.

"Yeah hopefully" I said pushing her off me.

I know Charity was with Rakir once, but she's a hoe.

I went to the bathroom and took me a shower. I got out and got dressed. when I was walking out the door Charity called my name.


"When you gonna be back?" She said

"I don't know it depends on what these niggas want to talk about." I said grunting I really aint feel like coming to the mall. It be too many people I used to fuck with there.

Tonio POV

I was being a father and playing with Levi and I heard my phone ringing. I got up to answer it but Levi started crying. So I took him with me and ran to get my phone.

Me: Hello

Anthony: Yo, Stephan said he wants me you and Day Day at the mall in a few minutes

Me: Alright I'll see if I can make it.

Right when I hung up Jai had walked in the door. I was so happy.

"Thank god baby, here I'm about to go out with the boys I'll be at the mall" I said handing her Levi

I ran to the bedroom and put on me some decent clothes. I went to the Kitchen looking for my chips and I couldn't find them.

"Baby where's my chips" I asked her shuffling around in a hurry

"I got you 2 bags of Hot Fries for $1" she said pointing by the microwave

There were two tiny bags of hot fries. I left them bitches there because I wasn't about to eat them. I shook my head and walked out the side door. I got in my car and headed to the mall.

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