"Let's go, young grasshopper," Justin tugged on me.

I held in a laugh. "Where are we going?"

"The cafeteria," he replied.

I stopped in my tracks causing both boys to stop walking. "I-I don't go to the cafeteria."

I had learned in previous years that the cafeteria was where my bullying progressed into what it was today. Everyone that bullied me would be in that room, all at the same time.

"Don't worry. You can sit with us," Nate said understanding why I didn't want to go.

He really is trying to understand me...

Snap out of it Beatrice.

  We walked to the cafeteria everyone instantly looking at us. Or more like looking at Nate and Justin. I expected nothing less to be honest with you.

  Nate nodded to one of the jocks and the boy nodded back, like they just said hi with a nod their head.

  We reached the center of the cafeteria where all the cheerleaders and football players sat. We weren't your cliche high school, but our jocks and cheerleaders got along with each other perfectly fine to make the rest of us feel like we were any less human then they were.

  "Aye your Beatrice right?" A girl asked she wasn't wearing a cheerleading outfit, but I did remember her from the party.

  "Yeah," I replied. I covered my face with my hair trying not to cause a scene. I could feel all eyes on me as I sat next to Justin and Nate sat on the other side of me.

  "I like your hair," another girl said, staring at my hair longingly. "How'd you get it so nice and straight?"

  "Umm I just have always had it like this," I grabbed a piece of my hair. I guess one could say that my hair was long.

"Uhh... Your hair is goals," the same girl said.

  "For crying out loud Tiffany stop kissing the girls ass. Justin is not going to date you and never will!" Everyone looked at Jessica as she walked to the table.

  Two girls with blonde hair and green eyes not too far from her side.  She seemed to be angry and her eyes were in tight slits, staring daggers at me.

  I knew she'd be mad at me because of her break up with Nate. She really did seem to like him.

  "Hey! I'll love, who I'll love!" Justin yelled back. Everyone looked at him confusedly. "Don't judge my taste in women," he responded.

  "What is she doing here?" Jessica asked taking a seat right in front of me. This felt like deja vu. Where had this scenario happened before?

  "She's sitting with us now," Justin said joyfully wrapping an arm around me.

  One of the girls standing next to Jessica glared at me raising an eyebrow and rolling her eyes in frustration.


  Nate for the first time spoke up. "What do you mean, no? You don't have a say who we can sit with or who we can't sit with."

I'm Just Too NiceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora