Chapter 32: Embracing the Darkness

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After Killian and I ate breakfast he wanted to take me to train. We went into a room similar to the one in the bunker. But it had older looking weapons. He asked me if I wanted to be a warrior in his army. I didn't know what to say. I was afraid what he would do to me if I didn't say yes so that's what I did. I thought about my family and how disappointed they would be of me.

Well at least, I guess Killian is proud. He thought me how to fight. And he showed me how to use some of my new powers. He taught me how to use compulsion. I used compulsion on a fallen and i commanded him to kneel before me and Killian. I laughed when it worked.

Compulsion is a skill only blue eyes fallen a have. Luckily they don't work on other blue eyed fallens. Compulsion made feel powerful. Next Killian tonight me how to fight against one of the members in his fallen army. I used my speed to pin the fallen man to the floor.

My eyes turn from green to dark blue. I grab the blade Killian gave me and I stab the man in the chest. But instead of the fallen disappearing like the one I stabbed in the woods. The pattern on the blade that I stabbed the man with glowed a dark blue. And the fallen died and the fallens wings turned into dark blue ash.

I couldn't move I couldn't even think about what I just did. I felt like I wasn't in control of my actions. My eyes didn't change back to its original color. I looked at Killian. Killian looked at me with shock but there was amusement in his eyes.

I was getting stronger and faster but what I didn't know was that I was loosing more of my humanity and embracing the darkness.

A/N hello kiddos hope you like this new chapter sorry it's kinda short. And I wanted to say that I might not be able to post updates for a while because of school. But I'll try to update when I can. Please check out the Contest 'book' and please participate we need more participants. Thank you for getting me so close to 1k views and for all the votes!!! Bye for now kiddos!!

The Fallen {Supernatural Fanfiction}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant