Chapter 15: Nightmares

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A/N Happy Halloween kiddo's!!!! I think Sammy looks adorable in this pic, any one else think so? No, just me? Okay. I was a werewolf last year for Halloween it was fun. Anyways hope your Halloween is amazing and that you guys get lots of candy. So you can share it with your favorite archangel. Before I end this author note I would like to thank you all for the support. I would also like to personally thank @lightingheart13 for coming up with the ship name dalex {Damon & Alexis}

Dean's POV

I wake up from nightmares that never seem to go away. We all haven't really slept sense Alexis left. I always have the same nightmare it just changes a little ever time I fall asleep. I remember the nightmare feeling real every time I dream. I could see Crowley and lucifer torturing Alexis and turning her into something she's not and I can't do anything to stop them. I could see anger and sadness burning in her eyes. Every time I have a nightmare I try to convince myself that it's not going to happen and that we'll save her but I can't seem to be able to.

Everyone else was awake already. Trying to figure out another plan to save Alexis.

"Why can't cas go down there, get her and bring her back? He's done it before." I ask sitting up in the chair I fell asleep on.

"When you were in hell, lucifer and Crowley weren't guarding you
Like they are Alexis." Says Gabriel

"Then what are we going to do?! She's been in there got weeks!" I yell

"Your not the only one who wants her back!!" Yells Gabriel

"I'm going to go get a drink." I grumbles then walks into the hallway that leads to the kitchen.

"I'll talk with him." Cas says then leaves the room.

"Dean," cas says

"You know we could we too late?" I Say

"Were not dean, Alexis is strong and smart. She won't go down easy." Cas says and I pour another drink.

"I hope your right cas." I says


Alexis' POV

I wake up with my head laying on Damon's chest. I try to wake him up but nothing really seems to work.

"Damon. Wake up." I whisper in his ear

"Five more minuets, meum lux." Damon says and I lay my head back down and fall asleep.


Damon's POV

I get up from where I slept and walk toward the door. Looking back at Lexi who seems to be having a good dream.

And I walk out the door. I look around making sure Crowley and lucifer are not in sight. Then use my archangel powers to knock out the guard that's down the hall. I go back inside the room. I wake up Alexis.

"What's happening?" Alexis asks

"Where getting out of here." I say and I grab a bag of weapons and supplies and I sling it over my shoulder and I grab Alexis hand and we run towards the exit of hell and entrance to purgatory.

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