Chapter 11: Real

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A/N I love this song! And remember always tell the truth it's the only way for people to think your insane. Sorry for the short chapter kiddo's.

3rd erson POV

"Hello Sammy, why won't you look at me?" Lucifer asks

"Your not real." Says sam with disbelief

"Oh I'm real." Says lucifer and makes the bed sam is sitting catch on fire.

"Your not here, your in the cage!" Sam says trying to convince himself that the fire isn't there.

"I was in the cage but some cockroach set me free. Now if you excuse me I have a family reunion to go to." Lucifer says and disappears.


"Am I interrupting something?" Asks Lucifer and the guys get in between Lucifer and Alexis.

"How did you get out of the cage?" Asks Michael

"All I wanted was to see my niece" Says lucifer

"Your a terrible lier Luci. Tell us the real reason your here." Says Gabriel

"Fine. I want the girl to come with me." Says Lucifer

"That's not going to happen." Says Gabriel

"It's either the girl comes with me or the cockroaches die. You have one hour to choose. I'll be back by then and if you don't have an answer I might just take her and kill the cockroaches" Says lucifer and leaves

"I'll go." Says Alexis

"We're not going to let you do that." Says Michael

"It's my choice and your not going to change my mind. In not going to let innocent people die because of me." Alexis says

"Lexi please reconsider." Dean pleads

"I'm sorry but I have to do this." Says Alexis

Lucifer appears in the middle of the living room.

"So what is your choice?" Asks lucifer

"I'll go." Says Alexis

Lucifer takes me before the boys could do anything to stop him.

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