Chapter 26: Wendigo

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Sam found a case where campers go missing from a campsite. There has been multiple disappearing a in a small town in Oregon. We decided we should check it out. I suspect that wendigo's have taken the disappearing campers. My dad, uncles and Hannah said they would check out what's going on with the whole 'I'm going to kill everyone whose unloyal' thing. The rest of us would go check out the case.

Me and Damon use our powers to transport dean and sam to Oregon with us. Every time I use my powers I'm more afraid of what might happen.

"You guys me and Damon are going to have to go shopping for dress clothes, while you two get us FBI badges." I say

"Yeah okay we'll meet you two at the police station." Sam says and dean nods agreeing. And me and Damon transport to a store with dress clothes. Damon finds a black tux with a gray tie. And I find a black skirt and a white shirt. With black heels. I was so uncomfortable...
I miss my jeans and combat boots...

"Nice outfit." Damon says smirking knowing I'd rather be wearing a band t shirt.

"Shut up." I say and we transport to the police station.

The boys were about to say some thing but then I stop them.

"Don't even think about talking about it!" I say and they laugh

"Just hand me the dam badges!" I continue and sam hands me them and we head towards the entrance to the building.

"I'm agent Barnes this is my partner agent Collins. Thats agent smith and his partner agents Smith, no relation." I say and we all show are badges then put them away.

"I didn't know the FBI would be involved in this investigation." The head officer said

"We just doing what we're told." I say and the officer nods

"Well, as you probably know there were five missing campers two adults three kids. The campers were all taken from the same sight. All on the same day too. I don't know what to think of it. This town is fairly quiet, nothing really happens here." The officer says

"Sorry to interrupt sir but there's been another victim missing. And this time there was a witness. He's at the same sight as the other victims were taken." Says another officer

"I better go you are willing to look at the files we have on the disappearances there on my desk." Says the officer and he leaves

"I still suspect it's a wendigo." I say.

"It looks like it could be." Dean says

"We should take the files with us. And look them over when we're done with the witness." I say and they nod.

Sam grab the files and we all get into the impala and drive to the camp sight.

Once we get there we split up and me and Damon check out the surroundings while Sam and Dean talk with the witness. Damon checks half of the sight I check the other half. I find a camper in the middle of a camp sight. On his knees facing away from a guy that has an blade. A fallen.

Duke was right beside to me, growling at the man with the blade. I grab my angel blade and run towards the man but I was to late. A Fallen man killed the guy. I lounge towards the Fallen guy and he uses his powers to pin me against a tree.

"Foolish girl. Did you really think you could even come close to killing me." Says the man and Duke lounges towards him and tackle him to the ground. Right then I hit the ground when the invisible force disappears. Damon appears beside me.

"Are you okay?" He asks me.

"You I'm fine." I say

"What is that thing?" He asks me

"I'll explain later." I say and I help Duke kill the Fallen. I use my fallen powers to keep the Fallen from stop moving. I stab the fallen multiple times with an angel blade but right before it disappears it says

"You've finally given into you true nature." He says with a smirk

Damon looks at me with shock.

"We have to leave now. More are coming." I say and teleport with Duke to where Dean and Sam are.

I have no choice I have to tell them the truth about me being part fallen. It's the only way to keep the ones I love safe.

I told them all about me being part fallen.

"Wait so let me get this straight your part Fallen and your puppy's part hell hound and because of your mothers choices Fallens are after you." Asks Dean

"Yup." I say

What did that Fallen mean about me giving into my true nature?

A/N I made this chapter longer because the part I just added was to short to be a separate chapter.  In the next chapter I'm going to write a page that comes from the journal. I hope you like it if not then please comment and I might not post more journals. Bye for now kiddos.

The Fallen {Supernatural Fanfiction}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora