Chapter 21: Protective Dad

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Hey kiddos hope you like this new chapter! I'm still sick, it sucks so again sorry if there are any grammar errors. I'll try to fix them later. I picked Sebastian Stan as Damon! Hey how do you put the character and actor names thing on you book? Tell me what you think about this chapter in the comments or you could message me. And don't forget to comment, vote, follow and share! Bye for now kiddos.

Damon comes back into the living room and walks to me. Gabriel walks towards the table with drinks.

"What happened?" I ask

"Nothing really, he just said that if I hurt you he will kill me with a heavenly fire soaked angel blade.." Damon says nonchalantly. I glare at my dad and attempt to walk over to were he was but Damon stops me.

"Meum lux, don't worry about it, your dad just wants to make sure your safe." Damon says softly to me smiling.

"Yeah..I know." I say grumbling

"We should probably work on the plan to save the humans." Damon says

"Yeah, okay we should probably get the rest of the group to help to." I say

Once we get everyone together on the couch. We think out loud our ideas.

"That would never work." Dean says about Damon's plan.

"Everyone else thinks it's a good plan but of course if you think you have a better plan, go ahead and say it." Damon says smirking when dean doesn't say anything.


"We've been working on a plan for hours and we still have nothing." Dean says

"I'm going to go get food, anyone else want some?" Sam asks

"Yeah I'll have some." Dean says

"I'll have some fries and a drink." Damon says

"I'll talk you back to earth you call me when your ready to be taken back." Cas says and sam nods and they both disappear and cas come back. When sam comes back with Cas we eat then I fall asleep in Damon's arms.


I wake up a little while later in my bed. Damon must have taken me up here. I think to myself. And I walk back down stairs and deans the only one down there. I sit at the table he's sitting at.

"What's going on princess?" Dean asks

"Nothing I guess I couldn't go back to sleep." I say

"Even with angel boy with you?" Dean asks harshly

"How did you-" I try to say but dean cuts me off

"Gabe told cas to check on you two so he did and he saw you two asleep and he told Gabe and I overheard." Dean says

"Dean-" I get cut off again

"Save it princess, I don't want to talk about it." Dean says

"Too bad Dean we're talking about it!" I say

"Dammit Alexis, your so stubborn!" Dean says

"Dean I know we had something before but I just don't-" I try to say but get cut off by dean kissing me.

"Do you know how hard it was for me to accept the fact that you were taken way from me? I couldn't eat, sleep, I would ignore almost everyone! All i could do was work on a way to save you! I was scared and upset with my self that I couldn't protect you. That it wasn't my arms that were around you making you feel safe not that angels. And that's all because I've fallen in love with you!" Dean says tears making his eyes shiny.

I start to cry.

I've messed up and fallen for a angel.

I've messed up and fallen for a human.

I've messed up and the world is still falling because of me.

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