When The Rents Are Away

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Lil thang here, Seto and Brice go away for a couple weeks, and guess who's babysitting Lorcan? If you can see the media for this one, you may see where this is going XD Enjoy!


"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"For the last time, babe, yes. They'll be perfectly fine."


"He's fully capable of looking after them, Seto."

"It's just... Adam, unsupervised, with two sixteen year olds? Ty's not even there to mediate!"

Brice sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as Seto pouted up at him, arms crossed, his inner momma bear breaking loose.

They had planned this trip to Australia for months, visiting a few of Brice and Bianca's relatives, for their seventeenth anniversary, just the two of them. The only problem was, they needed someone to house sit, who was at least if legal age, and only one person who fit the bill was available.

"Don't worry, baby, Lor and Levi both have Ty's number incase Adam spazzes out. Besides, they'll keep him in check. It's more like they're babysitting him for Ty, instead of the other way round." Brice chuckled, planting a lingering kiss on top of Seto's head, pulling him into a gently side hug.

The sorcerer huffed, nuzzling into Brice all the same, still worrying a little over leaving Adam to watch the kids by himself.

But, the guy was mature when he had to be, having almost two kids proved just that, especially when one was a perpetually moody teen. He sighed, conceding defeat.

"Fine. But when we get to the hotel, there better be a lot of make up sex for this." he grumbled, Brice laughing and squeezing Seto a little, eyes glinting with anticipated desire. Oh, he'd make up for it alright.

"The kids are playing video games in Lor's room, wanna go say goodbye before we leave?" Brice asked, nodding towards the stairs. Seto grunted, snatching up Brice's hand and heading up the stairs, mumbling to himself about getting house insurance to cover idiocy.

He reached Lorcan's room, twisting the handle and peering inside, rolling his eyes as he saw Lorcan practically sitting in Levi's lap trying to distract him from the game of Battlefield they were playing, yelling and cursing at each other frantically.

"No, it's down D-PAD for fire mode, Lor! Have I taught you nothing?" Brice called, both boys jumping, and whipping around, Lorcan actually throwing his controller towards the door in blind panic, the game pausing as Brice and Seto smirked down at them.

"Papa! What the hell? We were about to win!" Lorcan groaned, flopping down on the bean bag he was on with a huff. Levi rolled his eyes at him, flicking him in the knee to get him up.

"Dork, your rents are leaving now, say goodbye." he scolded lightly, voice neutral and face holding an almost bored expression, observing Lorcan's mini bitch fit like a parent would observe a toddler having a tantrum.

Lorcan glared at Levi, before rolling off the bag, standing up after flailing a little and walking over to his parents, bringing them both into a tight hug, Seto and Brice biting back a smile at how adorable their son was when he was trying to be nice. Key word: trying.

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