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"You know what's crazy?"


"We finish each others-"


Harry shook her shoulders. It was only 1 a.m and he was already through 3 cups of cold coffee, and it boggled Aurora's mind because the boy slept so much.

"Come on, Aurora."




"Why do you keep screaming my name." He joked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"I'm literally whispering, chill."

"You chill."

"I'm as chill as an ice cube, motherfucker." She responded, taking his mug and drinking the remainder of his coffee. Harry had just finished reading Looking for Alaska, and Aurora wasn't even paying attention. She just loved hearing him talk, it was her favorite sound.

"My grandmother is so obsessed with you, it's ridiculous." Aurora started, recalling the conversation she had with Lucille a while ago.

"I guess it runs in the family." Harry smirked, taking a bite out of the cookies Lucille baked up this morning.

"I don't recall having a gay brother." Aurora sarcastically replied, crossing her arms over her chest. "Oh yeah? He's pretty hot, I'm surprised." Harry replied, raising an eyebrow and smiling.

"Let's not." Aurora laughed, taking her sweet time staring at him.

"I feel like me and Lucille are gonna be best friends, you know? Like I feel it, I feel it in my heart, Aurora. You feel? How I feel?"

"You sure do feel an awful lot." Aurora told him, setting the book back on the shelf and searching through to find a new one.

"The only thing I feel is you." He responded.


"You didn't let me finish!" He yelled, "Your heart, beating next to mine, that's what I feel."

Aurora snorted, high-fiving him. "Nice save, you dumbass."

He got up and bowed, "Thank you, my pleasure, I try, really."

"You can meet her this weekend."


"Sure, bring Todd."

"I will." He smiled. And when he smiled at her, another wall collapsed.

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