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It was a Thursday, the sun was setting, but it was warm out, so there was a tinted orange in the sky. Lucille was on the back porch, with some of her friends from her book group. (Lucille's passions included bingo, baking, and her infamous book group.)

Aurora was outside with her grandmother, laughing, and eating lots of cookies, because, turns out, Lucille's friends liked baking as well.

Aurora's grandmother insisted that one day she meet Harry. Aurora responded with, "Really? He's obnoxious. You won't like him."

That wasn't true, she was sure Lucille would love Harry. But he wasn't important, according to Aurora, they weren't even friends.

But, according to Harry, they were best friends.

So as the clock struck 8, Aurora bid farewell to Lucille and her book group buddies, and then she was on her way to see Harry.


"Barbie and the Three Musketeers?" Harry asked, sipping from his daily mug, (It was a picture of Justin Bieber, sadly.)

"No, you already read that one." Aurora responded, sitting across from him in aisle 13.

"Okay," He started, setting his book down and looking up at Aurora. "Let's play a game."

"I won't have sex with you."

"How dare you? How could you think that I, sweet innocent Harry, would ever insinuate having intercourse with you, Auror-"


"OK, true. But no! I was going to suggest learning more about each other." He responded, biting into a muffin Lucille made for him. (she was already a big fan, and that didn't make Aurora too happy.

"What is this? A dating show?"


Aurora sighed, she should just give up, he was going to pester her, she just knew it. "Fine."

"You start. Any question you have." He said to her, and she started with the basics. "What's your favorite color?"

"Blue and orange. What's yours?"

"Black, like my heart."

"Seems legit." He shrugged. She nodded, and he shot her a smile. She shot him one back.

"Your turn."

"Whats your phone number?" He asked her, grinning from year to year, and then it dawned on Aurora that those were his intentions all along. "678-999-8212."

"Isn't that the number in Soulja Boy's kiss me through the phone?" He raised an eyebrow, and let out a loud laugh.


"SOULJA BOY OFF IN THIS OH!" He stood up and yelled.

Aurora stood up after him, and smacked him. "Shut up! You're white!"

"That's just racist."

"You're racist."

"Give me your number."


"Give me it!"





"Fine! You can have my fucking number!" Harry raised his arms, "Woooo!"

She stuck her hand and pushed him. "Don't text me."

Harry smirked, and winked.

"I'm serious, Harold."

"I won't." He winked again.

"Don't do it."

Once again, he winked. "Is your eye broken?"

"Rude!" He gasped, holding a hand on his heart.

Aurora wrote her number on his arm, then took her stuff and opened the front door, "Goodbye!"

"Baby come bac-"

But before she could hear him finish, she was out the door and giggling with her hand over her mouth.


It was about 1 a.m, and Aurora was setting on her bed near the window, finishing up her homework.

Her phone dinged, which was insanely surprising.

Unknown number; Soulja boy off in this oh.

Me; new phone who dis

Unknown number; Hey, I'm Harry.

Me; ew

Harreh; Rude.

Me; go to sleep.

Harreh; Hypocrite.

Me; did u just call me a hippo

Harreh; Yes.

Me; bye

Harreh; Goodnight (:

Me; new phone who dis

In the midst of their conversation, Aurora felt asleep, but she did it with a smile on her face.

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