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It was another typical Wednesday, Aurora didn't pass in her english essay, (she was reading Anne Frank's diary, instead) Her grandmother warned her that she was going to send her back to California, and then Aurora responded that she would rather have her grandmother drown her in a pool of blood than to send her back to California.

She ended up finishing her essay.

And as soon as she was done, she brushed her dark brown hair and ran down Lucille's old gravel steps, engraved with stupid sayings and memories dated back to 1984.

The sky resembled the darkest black of all, the stars were scattered across the sky. Each with it's own fascinating story to tell. Aurora didn't have a story, so as she walked to Books, she wondered who else was looking at the same star she was looking at.

Aurora wasn't at all surprised to find Harry carrying a Pokemon mug in his hand, but she was surprised to find him carrying a mug for her.

"Well. Totally wasn't expecting you." He joked, winking at her and sipping his coffee.

Aurora rolled her eyes, before turning them to stare at the other mug he was holding.

Harry noticed, and pushed it toward her.

"For you, madame." Aurora picked up the mug, turning it around slightly.

'This mug is Auroras and Harry made it'

Aurora laughed hard, and took a long hard look at him.

His dimples were indented in his cheeks. "Glad you like it."

oh shit, of course he has dimples, Aurora thought.

"Clever." She nodded, smiling slowly. But then she brought her face back into a frown. Smiling? No. Never.

Harry noticed her frown. "Are you going to finish reading the fault in our stars to me?" He asked cheekily, attempting to cheer her up.

Aurora nodded her head, waking herself up from a trance she didn't realize she was in.

"I was thinking you could read to me actually, Harold. May I call you Harold?" She joked, imitating his english accent.

"You may not." He responded, pouring some coffee in her mug and following her to aisle 13.

"Alrighty then, Harold." She said, still responding with that god awful British accent.

"Do you kill children with that accent?" He asked, raising his eyebrow and moving closer to her. He hoped she didn't notice.

She did.

It took every single cell in her body not to move closer to him.

I guess one of them failed.

"No, but I was hoping you'd be the lucky number 1." She said, smiling softly up at him. He laughed deeply, clutching his stomach and stopping to look at her.

She was so beautiful, Harry wanted to pull her close and give her so many kisses.

"Ok, ok, princess, shut up so I can read." Harry said, hoping the nickname would come off as a joke.

So he pushed his hair back and picked up where he left off. He stared at Aurora from the corner of his eye.

Aurora was never the type to cry when anything happened, she never really had much feelings. It's not like she was heartless, no, quite the opposite. She just simply didn't care. Aurora felt that feelings showed weakness. She was never one to let her guard down. Her heart was completely surrounded by walls. Walls surrounded by guards. Guards surrounded by weapons. She never thought that ever, for a second, she would let those walls down. But as she was sitting there, listening to Harry's smooth voice, watching the way his mouth moved with he formed an 'O', staring at his curly hair, the he ran through it when something exciting was happening.

She felt one, single wall, crumble to the floor.

aisle 13 // h.s.Where stories live. Discover now