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"What the hell?" Aurora gasped, looking around the bookstore.

Harry stared at her, before raising his finger and opening his mouth.


"How the fu-"

"Okay! Look." He began explaining, but Aurora was busy staring at his mug-of-the-day. (Donald Trump being shot by a stick figure, if you were wondering.)

"It was last night, you literally knocked down five bookshelves, including the children section, which, may I add, is my favorite." He told her, running his fingers through his long hair and placing a hand on his hip.

Aurora was one step closer from cutting her vegetables with his jawline, she was sure of it.

"Okay, let's just clean it up, Harry." She sighed. Aurora and Harry have been spending almost every single day together, almost.

She would never admit it, but Harry was more than glad to.

So they began cleaning up the books, (Harry dealt with the bookshelves themselves, because Aurora was like 2 feet tall and the only things she lifted were pizza slices to put in her mouth.)

43 minutes in, Harry started annoying Aurora.

"Knock knock."

"Who's there?"

"Britney Spears." Aurora threw a book at his face, but sadly, she missed.

He stood there with that stupid smile on his face.

"Knock knock."

"Who's th-"

"Ooops! I did it again."

"Fuck off."

Harry was in charge of cleaning the first few aisle's, and Aurora dealt with the rest.

And about 15 minutes after they were assigned aisle's,


"What!? What is it, Harry?" Aurora panicked, running to him to make sure he was okay.

"Somebody told me you sounded like an owl."

"Who?" Aurora asked, before completely regretting her decision to even speak to him.

Harry literally died from laughing so hard, and this time, when Aurora threw the book, she didn't miss.

An hour later, when everything was completely cleaned up, they collapsed on the store floor, and began to talk about the most random things.

"Spell me." He said, looking up at her from the spot he was laying on.

"M E."

"You forgot the D."

"There is no D."

"Not yet!" He cackled. Aurora pulled his hair. And then she pulled it again, because it felt like silk sheets.

"Your jokes are sadder than my love life." She told him, before laying on the floor opposite to his face. He stuck his shoe in her face.

"I am your love life." He said. And then he took off his boot and stuck his stinky sock in her face. She grabbed his foot and pulled it. "You wish!"

"Yes, yes i do."

"Oh, shut up."

And so they stayed like that for an hour, or two. And eventually, after dirty jokes and tons of bickering, not to mention hair-stroking, Aurora went home.

With Harry and his soft hands in her mind.

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