Meeting His Mom/Dad : TeenWolf

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Scott :

You were currently in Scotts' house covered in flour. Why is that you ask? Well, that is because the sneaky McCall had started a flour fight with you. Oh sure, it started out as innocent baking but apparently he had other things in mind.

"Okay Scott, time out or you're going to be in the naughty corner." You fake-scolded

"I guess we need to clean this place up." He laughed

"Get the cleaning supplies McCall, we've got a mission to do." You instructed using your best authoritive voice

Scott really enjoyed spending time with you because you was everything he need. You didn't know anything about the supernatural world and he was glad about that. Being a true alpha has really taken a toll on him. Sure he didn't mind being with his friends but sometimes he just needed to be normal. He needed to have fun. He needed you. He loved the fact that you were so innocent. He loved your laugh and he loved your reaction to little things. In fact he was in love with you, he just didn't know it yet.

Once you were done cleaning the kitchen you needed to clean yourselves. You didn't bring any spare clothing so Scott learnt you one of his t-shirts. You were in the process of wiping away the flour from your face when Scott walked back into the kitchen.

"You should keep that shirt, it looks better on you anyway." He smiled and you blushed "You missed a spot." He said gesturing to your face "Where?" you said looking like a lost puppy

"Here." He said as he came over and wiped your nose

He blushed at the closeness of the two of you and about the fact that your heart was racing like a Ferrari. He leaned in to kiss you as did you...

"Scotty, I'm home." Melissa called "Oh...uh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt anything." She said "I'm Melissa and you must be Y/N. Honestly you're all that Scott talks about these days." She smiled

"Mom!" Scott exclaimed

"It's nice to meet you Mrs McCall." You greeted

"Oh call me Melissa!" she shrugged "You're staying for dinner right?" it was more of a command than a question though

You looked up at Scott who was still as red as a tomato and nodded.

"Um hmm. Okay." You smiled

You helped Melissa with dinner (no food fights this time) she asked you about your life, the usual stuff. She knew enough not to ask about the break up. She was really sweet about everything. Scott just watched the two of you. He could see how much his mom liked you and that was important to him. It was only then that he realised how fast he was falling for you.

After dinner Melissa showed you some baby pictures of Scott ignoring his objections.
"Scott! You were such a cute baby! Aww, look at your chubby little face." You cooed

And the night went on. It was not what you was so much better.

Stiles :

You were so excited. Today was your first play date with Stiles. Mr Stiwinskee was going to pick you up so you and Stiles can go and watch Batman. You mad your mom go all out. She had to buy you the full Batman costume along with a Robin teddy bear. You decided to accessorise with the bow tie Stiles had given to you. You had asked your mom to turn it into an armband so you can always use it.

As soon as you heard the doorbell ring you bolted downstairs.

"Stiles!" you exclaimed as you hugged him

"Y/N!" he exclaimed back

"Hello Mr Stiwinskee." You said as you attacked him with a bear hug

"Hello Y/N." he smiled as he returned the hug

Oh did I forget to mention that you and Stiles had worn the same costume? It was the cutest thing ever. The only difference was that you had the Robin teddy bear.

"That's a really cool bear Y/N." he said sadly

"D'ya want it?" you asked concerned, he was you best friend there was no way that you wanted to see him sad

"Really?" his big brown eyes lit up like the fourth of July

"Mhmm." You said handing him the Robin

"Gee thanks Y/N." he yelled

"Fifty bucks they get married." Mr Stilinski smirked at your dad

"You're on." Your dad agreed

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