Keepsakes : TeenWolf

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Isaac :

You keep one of his scarves. Whenever he is out you will cling to that scarf for dear life until he comes back to you. You love the fact that it still smells like him. And everyone knows better than to touch that scarf.

Isaac keeps your Angry Bird teddy bear key chain (It's Red Bird btw) A lot of people think you look like Red Bird because your eyebrows resembles his. Isaac thinks it's adorable and he always looks at it when his not with you and feeling uneasy.

Stiles :

You still have the bow that Stiles had given you on your first day of kindergarten. It's always on your hand whether it goes with your outfit or not. He loves the fact that you treasure it so dearly.

He still has your Robin teddy bear and most of the time it is tucked away in his pocket. Everyone knows about it because he's not ashamed of it. And you think it's adorable how he mumbles to it sometimes.

Jackson :

Jackson has or should I saw had a silver serpents ring. He always used to wear it on his middle finger. And now you have taken ownership of it. It's really big for you so you use it on your thumb. He loves the fact that you have a ring that was his but some day he hopes that the ring will be replaced by an engagement ring.

He has your Nike armband. He uses it whenever he goes out, even when he has a formal function to attend both you and the band will be found in his arms.

Scott :

You decided to jack one of Scott's hoodies. You love the fact that it smells like him and it feels like home to you. Whenever he's out with the pack and you can't sleep you will simply put on the hoodie and fall right to sleep.

Not many people know this but you're an amazing singer. It's your special hidden talent. One day Scott had begged you to record a few songs and since you loved him so much you did. He saved those recordings on his phone to listen to them when he's alone or feeling down.

Derek :

You absolutely loved Dereks' leather jacket. Yes it was enormously huge on you but you loved it anyway. He thinks you look adorable when you drown in his jacket.

Derek's a bit old school so he keeps a photo of you. He took this photo on the day of you when you were at the park. He thinks you look angelic with your hair blowing in the wind whilst you're surrounded by flowers.

Peter :

You kept one of his signature black V-necks. You love to use it when you're sporting shorts or jeggings. You will have it tucked into your pants with a cute belt.

He keeps your old sketch book. It's filled with sketches of different kind of landscapes and animals from beaches to parks to simple stuff like a tree or a squirrel. He loves your artistic nature. 

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