Quote 6

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Samson: "some person randomly wrote 'et' on our feedback, it makes no sense,"
Me: "That's not an 'e' it's an 'I' you dipstick..."

Millie: "she eats like sweet potatoes, except they're white,"
Hannah: "So basically a Potato,"

Amber: "if you're a potato, then you're a sweet potato."

Me: "oh shut up, you uneducated twatcicle,"

Hannah: "Can confirm, is a real person!"

Jake: "how did you almost get hit by a police car?"

Kizzie: "I didn't hear the lights,"

Alex: "Well they don't celebrate Christmas so technically they're not on the naughty list, they're just on the scumbag list."

Alex: "I call mine a thong,"

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